Oh, you know my father?
Oh, you know my father?
It's described as Harry Potter plus Chronicles of Narnia, and the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. It's by Lev Grossman, and it's getting a SyFy (shudder typing the Ys). Really great book.
I don't want to gender-stereotype, but anecdotally, in my group of reader-friends, the women all hated the twist and the men all loved it (even though the unexpected character choice was amusing).
A good friend of mine has a whole spiel, I think she must practice it in the mirror: Hello, my daughter has celiac's and can't have any gluten, I am gluten-free with her and....." just to hit all the terms and be accurate.
I don't think another TV show is possible, simply because of all the royalties they'd have to pay, but damn could it be good. I always assume Harry is training to Eye of the Tiger. :)
Only human wizards seem to have trouble with technology.
Yeah, but have you tasted aspirin powder? Blech.
I've been a fan for a while, and I haven't loved any of the last four books. To me, they all felt slow to get into, had a strong middle, then my interest peters out in the last fifty pages of non-stop action/deus ex machina. I went to a signing for Skin Game, and Butcher is charming and smart and I will read every…
Maybe they should sell it as a package. You need a drink to swallow those tablets, right?
Another good reason to avoid sweet tea.
I liked him on Ben & Kate, where he was supposed to be dopey and clueless. Married was just painful to watch. Maybe if it were more balanced, with Judy Greer as more than the over-worked wife and mother (gag).
I can see how it's annoying, but I'm not sure what to use in it's place. Any suggestions to replace "vape 'em if you got 'em" in my repetoire?
I agree, I really liked the first couple of episodes (just haven't watched anymore yet). Married though, the pilot was so jaded and cynical, I couldn't even stomach a second episode, despite my usual rule of giving a new show three episodes before calling it quits.
Weed toffee sounds amazing, but I never make it because it seems like way too much of my precious weed butter to use in one batch. :-/
Yes! I never thought to attribute it to my Mirena until just now! I have been using an awful lot of batteries lately...
The signs of autism begin at an age when a child is getting the most vaccines, so it's easy for a parent to look back and see a connection. So rather than entirely being coincidental, it's also people recalling what happened in a way that fits with the narrative "vaccines caused my child's autism" because the child…
Me too! Great minds, etc.
You're not alone. I spent Monday sitting and hoping no one else could smell my jeans.
My husband and I are firm believers in the principle that a sandwich made by someone else is always better than one you make for yourself, so we make each Luther's sandwiches.
Thats what I was hoping for too. No dice. He was very tactful.