I bought a spritzer for this purpose. It has a really big button to press, so it’s comfortable to use.
I bought a spritzer for this purpose. It has a really big button to press, so it’s comfortable to use.
I’ve spent too much on this proton pack to ever wear any other Halloween costume again.
I made Italian Wedding Soup last night. So easy to make, and yet so tasty. Especially when you’re gotten Cold November Rain a month early.
Cook’s Illustrated has a great Chinese takeout ribs recipe that involves simmering (HEAR ME OUT) the ribs in a loose sauce for 1.25 hrs, then defatting and reducing the sauce before painting it on for final broiling. It results in ribs with char siu flavor all the way through. Everyone I’ve served it to loves it. They…
Hello from Fark!
Who the hell wants to leak GTA? It’s GTA. You know what you’re getting. There will be car theft. There will be police chases. There will be crimes. There will be radio stations.
And this is why I bought Good Omens on Blu-Ray: there’s no guarantee Amazon will keep it around forever.
W11 requires a special security feature on your CPU that helps prevent rootkits from getting in.
You want budget? I’ve been using a $15 Voyee. It’s about as basic as you can get, but it fits my hands and gets the job done.
Android: When the phone no longer makes calls on your network, for whatever reason.
iPhone: When Apple TELLS you to upgrade. No, really. They slow down old phones to make you upgrade.
Now do an article about Farkisms. Your dog wants steak.
Great, now we’re gonna get hipsters wearing them for fashion. Like people who wear glasses with no lenses.
Figures they would take the concept of setting healthy boundaries at work and come up with a pejorative term for it. They did the same thing with “jaywalking.” When automobiles first came out, you didn’t need a license or training. And since the streets were shared, that meant pedestrians getting run over by unskilled…
If your landlord finds a scratch in the floor that wasn’t there five minutes ago, sit them down and examine their shoe soles. There’s an entire subreddit of dirty tricks landlords can use to steal the security deposit, and one of them involves a nail or screw in the shoe for making a fresh scratch discreetly.
Ham cubes work quite well in a standard mac and cheese. Toss some breadcrumbs on top to toast and you’ve got the complete sandwich in casserole form.
Also, hello from Fark:
At the rate the US is going, many of those are coming back within the next decade.
Biggest tip for making your booze last: don’t have a teenager in the house. Your vodka bottle will be 90% water in a matter of months.
Apple has been known to slow down their older products via software update to inspire upgrading.