
@LucasTizma: Yeah, I'm a Classic RE Jill man myself :(

@Nawara_Ven: One looks like a sleeve (left).. I think the other (right) might be a booklet?

@Daemonicus: Haha, Yeeahh Affleck is...... interesting.. He's from the Keanu Reeves Academy of acting... I've heard that Kristen Stewart attended as well

@Daemonicus: I gotta say I hate Ghost Rider much worse.. and Steel was just.... well..... words can't describe Steel....

@Jedi Niltag: I like doing stuff like that in a lot of games.

@Spenze: It's a depth of field scan.. It's the same thing just on a much bigger level. Instead of scanning 3 dots it scans thousands.

@darkanimematt: I can't really picture him in a fighting game.. Then again... they got MODOK into it so I guess HD would be a pretty grand step up

@Krakenstein: Which means Howard the Duck is in the Game...

Video Game characters age backwards... Look at Sam Fisher..

@Dejanus: Same here. I live in DC now, but I've spent a number of years in Southern MD down in areas like St. Marys county... There area a lot of Hardcore Racists that will never believe any thing else all through out those parts. :(

@artum: Well looking at it from a different perspective.. the blade looked extremely dull. In addition it would become extremely dull quickly when trying to cut through the handcuffs. Is it possible to cut through them with a hacksaw? Yes.. Is it plausible to cut through them with a rusty and extremely dulled hacksaw

@Bill-Lee: I think it has more to do with the fact that back in the geek days of gold and sunshine, we knew him as "The Wolverine".. Same as The Invincible Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Amazing Spider-Man, or the Astonishing X-Men... I guess they just thought it was cooler though if he was only "The"...

@gthing: Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I use "well" at the beginning of a sentence often, but usually responding to someone asking a simple question...

@Drew Trevizo: The response times on the controllers for every console aren't all that fast.. not compared to a gaming keyboard/mouse anyway.. I understand they try to develop them around being cheap and sturdy.. but it would be nice if they made an actual more responsive controller for those who are willing to pay..

Doesn't change the fact that the controller is shit... and some games sadly don't read that fast anyway.. And it doesn't fix the most broken part of the controller, the damn D-Pad...

Interesting... Not Half Life.... but interesting.... and this was already on Kotaku....