
@Yamato: It was.. I remember watching it already

@devwild: Nah, it already did that...

@DashMoney: This is what I'm trying to figure out.. Is he killing the other assassins or are they dying from something else?.. Why would he kill his team?... To silence them so the Company can't use them against him maybe?


My grandfather who fought in WWII in the airborne always made fun of guys like this.. His argument was that he fought for us to be able to do things like this because it's what America was about.

@Julesmaine: Haha He's been having tax problems for a while now then

@rikarus: Hahaha, now I need to watch that again..

Skyline already looks like crap... but it would be even more crap if they go with the ending of the Aliens are trying to save Humanity, or something along the lines of that kind of twist..

@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: Dude.. The TV one isn't the "A".. it's just 1701 (same for the new film).. "A" was added after they had the refit in the original Star Trek the Motion Picture..

@Pope John Peeps II: If you are a cannibal yes.. They used "imagery of meat that was ready to eat" in the study.

@FrankN.Stein: I was thinking the exact same thing...

@F-1: Seeing both your avs together made me giggle...

@Tracid: I'm sure it helped, but then again at the same time we have to remember MS had a extended warranty replacement for the RRoD. Any replacements made by the company shouldn't be part of these sales figures.

@natedogXVI: Technically. From another perspective imagine if all of those sales went to the majority.. then the gap would increase..

@monkeymaguire: Yup.. Sadly it also includes all of the PS3 over heating issues... and the 360s disc tray scratching issues.. and the PS3s Disc Drive stuck issues... and both systems wireless read issues... Fortunately for both these are issues that were taken care of in the first two years of each system. I