
People don't know who Bane is?.. Am I getting old?...

This isn't working for me.. :/

@Johann Schmidt: That's a valid argument. Especially in a time when Propaganda was so huge

Why would they give him the Super Soldier serum, and then just send him around to cinemas and what not?.. Maybe in the film they originally tag the experiment as a failure? Or did I miss a retelling somewhere in the comics?

@Moonshadow Kati: For some reason the exact same scene popped up in my head as well :P

@Oligopoly: If I could get away with it... But no...

Try playing the game on a PC instead of a console.. You'll want to throw the keyboard through your screen.

@Cheese Addict: That was Supposed to say Agreed, but somehow the A was dropped...

@syafiqjabar of Mars: I always thought Butcher Bay heavily out did the films in quality sadly..

@Haroldinho: Thanks. I figured as much, but I always like clarification

Not trying to argue, but I didn't hate the controls at all. Actually a handful of me and my buds thought they were rather intuitive/creative. Especially at the time the game came out.

Can't afford a subscription fee with all the titles lined up for 2011.. Sorry DC.. I loves ya but yer one hell of expensive date.

@tyrizzle: I could justify it if the fee was only for the first 4 or 5 months. Just to cover servers and what have you. But keeping it going on for any longer is just ridiculous... Though it wouldn't stop people from playing.. :/

Proud to say I didn't attribute to that money pool... Said to say I'm part of the Avatar one though... Damn it Cameron! DAMN IT!!

@NerD:blogOtaku: You mean the one that already exists on the PC?

Where was the existential terror?..