
Bethesda?... That's a different combo..

@Master_Shake: New Spoiler.. DC Retcons story and starts over..

@bookwench: Hahaha Not sure why this made me laugh so much...

@Gothamite88: I can understand that argument. Though it still leaves Wayne himself open.. The whole Knightfall scenario...

@MrGOH: Right there with ya..

@Raidenshred: It's almost like they're trying to compete with the newer ideal of Iron Man :/

@omgwtflolbbqbye: Well that's my point.. From what I remember is he used his own personal money, technically. So that way it wasn't documented under Wayne Enterprises.. But if he were to do something like this, wouldn't people start looking into it? But if people knew that the only real outlet of money was to Wayne

But wait.... What if someone just gets a hold of the Wayne Enterprises Financial Records?.. Someone would definitely trace it in hopes to figure out who Batman is or a means of communication for him financially..

@Sabithomega: Damn.. looks clunky on my screen..

@galanix: Makes you wonder what"s next

@Klausaidon: I can accept that. Still though that wouldn't add that much more to the game in time technically.. I was happy they had the extra vid in 2 when you found all the markers.. The armor was a nice touch too, though I didn't bother using it.. wasn't a huge fan of the way it looked.. but those things didn't

@Dwayne Day: It all depends.. From what I can tell they are damaged, but easily salvageable.. Though internally who knows what the weather has done to them

@b33g33: You noticed that too huh?

Huh... I didn't know Michael Bay did TV movies now...

He looks like Nemesis

@devpeck1: I can make an argument for Portal in it's design for replay value (Timed Modes and What have you).