
@argylefox: If I lied about something sure. I'd be in complete favor of your argument.

@SirBrau: Nope. I already went to the bathroom earlier

@MrGerbz: Yeah it was an exaggeration. It did only take me two days to beat each title, this including work and sleep. So roughly 6-8 hours sounds about correct

Almost thought it said Assistant Police Chief Jon Favreau... :/

@mruler360: The games really were never that hard. I ripped through them real fast. I'm not being cocky.. They just give you a really easy defense and travel system..

It would be nice if this Assassins Creed actually lasted longer than 2 hours...


@Rocket Boss: Resident Evil 2... Capcom didn't want to remake it out of fear they would screw it up...

@Blood_Junkie: If it was the original tech they were using waayyy back when.. then yes..... maybe...but not now... not with the crap they put in to make their profit real quick...

@Spykedude: Maybe they are being smart in their desperation..

@swenson: The only two I'd probably go with are Catwoman or Talia.. Talia could be interesting if done correctly considering what happened in the first film... but either could get stupid real fast if not done correctly..

@brokennails: I think Gordan's wife called her name when he took out the trash.. I think.. my memory isn't the best

@Jeb_Hoge: Watch some Disney films.. Most of them are very "kiddie" but dance on some very dark territory.. Heck Episode 3 was all over the dark territory but that one was riding a thin line of being "kiddie" too.

@phantom_K9: Ya know, someone actually tried to tell me they made a fourth Indiana Jones?... I mean seriously..

What I'm most curious about is the actual sales numbers of Postal 2...

#3 is now my desktop

@Jeb_Hoge: I remember seeing that episode.. Though I would still call that "kiddie"... mature undertones.. but very, very "kiddie"

@cletar: Its funny that people believe there are more then 4 Star Trek films too.. Or Terminator and its Sequel...