
This is just sad.... Its no better that he shot a 20 and 18 year old.. but he shot a 13 year old... Cut off his testicles and feed them to him.. Make sure he doesn't procreate...

This all comes down to whether or not the two films stories are similar... Shame on the "Brothers Strause" for being jerks and knowingly going in to another studios work like that, but if they make something unique out of the process then it's all good... Now if things start to feel a little similar... then screw

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): Hahaha Sony only signed agreement with the effects company.. You act like they are supposed to go and interview every single one of someone elses employees... That would take months and a lot of cash... Thats why No Company does that....

@ex.actionmodel: *Shudders*.. I try very hard to pretend the AVP movies don't exist... I hope their movie falls through... I haven't really seen anything showing it possibly having any potential anyway.. just a few CG clips, which is pretty much any movie nowadays..

Activision?!... ACTIVISSION?!?!?!?!...

@jsondag: Haha Holy Shit....

Why do they all suck so bad?.....

@tetracycloide: I'm right there with ya.. Advancing current tech is always awesome, but it's when we actually create new tech in place of old that everything begins to drastically change...

@jetRink: Haha I have a 128MB USB stick still laying around.. I remember buying it for around $60... Now I use a 16GB USB that I got on sale off Amazon for $20.... I'm waiting for Mini 100GBs to become common....

@FrankenPC: For some reason I didn't even think of that... That would be ridiculously fast....

@speroscythe: Yeah I know how you feel... Just thinking about my old systems vs. my new is amazing and kinda scary. Heck I thought it was amazing when they started making USB memory.. Now you can get a damn stick with 30 or more GBs on it.. It's Nuts...

It could be good, but I havn't really seen anything yet to tell me it will be.. Concept art Always looks better then the final product, but at least they have it I guess..

@stranger: Yeah, if Uncharted made its way on to the 360 and PC then it would get sold out fast... I hope Sony paid them good, cause they lost out on a heap of money there...

@ClaudioIphigenia: No that wasn't the same one... I'm talking about the one where they were using all the crazy physics, and they were supposed to have some new revolutionary combat system.. It had pretty graphics too.. I think it got scrapped... :(

@Batmanuel: Hahahahaaha.. sigh.. thanks I needed that laugh...

@Adhominem: Whatever happened to that damned Indiana Jones game they were making?!....

@KingKirby: What are you talking about?... You'd still have the controller in your hands... and yes Kinect does work with a controller.. Thats why I showed the Track IR video... its the same thing...