
@DiscountLlama: Yeah I was lucky enough to have a group of friends with me on BC2. It makes a huge difference.. MW2 is fun with friends, but I can't take the game seriously with all its glitches and what not.. It's community thinks they are hardcore gamers.. but it's kind of a casual game..

I really want to play this.. Though Im not a huge fan of the new cartoony look they seem to be using.. but if the game plays out the same then it should be good..

@Evdor: I support you on this specific game, but I do have to say I'm hoping Kinect adopts stuff like Track IR, which is basically regular FPS gameplay, but with the added use of your head if wanted...

@spiderweb1986: Woah Man... Yer face is like... Yellow Man!.....Dude..... YER LIKE... LIVING IN A SQUARE BUBBLE MAN!!!... DUDE I'M FREAKEN OUT MAN!!! WWOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

@spiderweb1986: Everyone is a cheap ass... I'm a Cheap ass.. And I'm damn proud of it too..

I heard it was too short and extremely linear... Obviously that had nothing to do with the fact as to why nobody wanted it though... Really...... What?........

@MJDeviant: Yeah... People will complain even if the game was perfect... Ah Well... Looks like its time jump back on then..

Diiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaabblllo...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......... I got way too excited and played through Diablo 1 and 2 again with my Wife.... I need it ....... needs it now.....

@Møbius: I saw MW2 and was like ewwww, then I saw BC2 and was like Yaaaaaa!!!

@Daniel @ It's not all that worth it... Though I wouldn't use it as an example for MMOs.. Im not a huge fan of them myself.. but I've played Champions which was crap.. but Waaaaayyy more fun then APB... I'm looking forward to Guild Wars 2... It's gonna be free to play... So is the new Star

@MJDeviant: BC2 is soo much more worth it... I have to jump back on that game... I haven't played it for a while, so the updates probably make the game all crazy now...

@Taggart6: The driving was fine, it was the physics that bothered me.. Like when I'd brake and the back end of my car would go up in the air like 5 feet...... ? ......

The game was fine... well..... the 2 hours worth of total gameplay...... ya know... the 2 hours you spent in the character creator?..... Seriously though the game works fine... Its just extremely repetitive..... Theres nothing to do..... Which is sad because the game really did have a lot of promise...

If only all Movie Toys were made like this one.... Then I wouldn't be so mad at the Movie Industry

@crosis101: I remember having those... I don't have anymore though.. but I grabbed this McFarlane Alien vs. Predator back before the damn AVP movies...

@Eester: Raises both hands!

@Crowbot: That Batman Cartoon was Awesome.... Now I want to watch it again....

@Darth Meow 504: The cartoon was rather shameless, though I do remember that they had a comic book series that was out at roughly the same time in the 80s. It followed an in depth story too... Too bad Bay didn't care to look into that though....