
@geesejuggler: I remember all the different toys they made for Terminator 2... They had some weird stuff too...

@glucious: I remember they released a card set for Batman Begins that had a card bluntly saying Ducard is Ras al Ghul!!!!....... I don't think studios really care anymore...

@TemporalSword: Sad but True.. If only we could get people to stop buying the crap, then maybe Hollywood would get their heads out of their asses and make something reasonable.... Unfortunately that will never happen... :(

@Karljohan Pettersen: I can agree with that.. but in the terms that gameplay makes the game.. everything else is just extra...

@Archaotic: That's because they cater to the Asian market when they make their handheld games.. so they actually care a bout them a little more then the console releases..

@Ash Crimson: Its Square Enix... When's the last time they made a good game?...

@Shinhideaki: Yeah there has never been a game so awful it has been awesome.. It doesn't happen...

What is wrong with their faces?.. They aren't even cartoony... they just look like somebody screwed up while messing around with the Sims character creator..

@Shinta: This game looks like crap, but when has an Eastern title been good after the 90s?... It happens, but it's extremely rare.... Especially Square Enix.. They haven't made anything good in a Loooong long time... Wait Correction... they never made anything good.. that was all Squaresoft

@Kellen Dunkelberger: The basic Gameplay worked, though it had a number of bugs and AI issues.. Overall with what they pulled off it was still quite a massive feat.. In all though it wasn't a 100% completed game..

@DRaGZ: I liked just walking up to the criminals.. Even on the hard difficulty if you just walked they had no idea you were there... That and it just looked Badass..

@CSquared: Who said the frame in the game held up the Monument?... It's just missing chunks of stone revealing the inner framing...

@Tiller: Haha, Yea I hear ya there.. It's cool they make the game to be modded, but in all reality you have to wait another 4 months if you're lucky before good mods come out that actually fix the game... I just wish I could see them work with another team for a change.... like Bioware.... the insanity would destroy

It didn't make a damn worth of difference up till now so who cares.. I just want better Animations.. I'm tired of my dude running full speed without his upper body moving at all.. Thank God for the Nexus Community.. If this game couldn't be modded I'm not sure how much more I'd be able to take...

@DRaGZ: Personally I thought they made Batman look retarded when he cartoonishly jumped up them, but I never used the ladders in the game so it didn't bother me all that much..

@CSquared: Dude... This is the inside of the monument.. There is a lot of steel frame inside.. It originally didn't have all that, but its there now, so I'd say that counts..

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: What are you talking about he's wrong... Your article even says so...

@Tiller: Thats why you download patches from the Nexus... Unless you own it on a console cause then yer just screwed..

@staySICK: Well technically there are ladders, but they arent usable..