There was one on the ballot article, although this is definitely a better place for it. Here’s mine, copied and pasted in no particular order:
There was one on the ballot article, although this is definitely a better place for it. Here’s mine, copied and pasted in no particular order:
I quite liked the new Jessica Pratt record best, I suppose.
Jenny Lewis is probably my no. 1, haven’t completely decided the rest of my top 10 yet, but Martha, Danny Brown, Vampire Weekend, Blanck Mass, Lightning Bolt, Purple Mountains and Hot Chip are all likely.
I’m all for the Cate Le Bonnaissance. Sometime after Mug Museum she started getting a lot weirder, and it’s paradoxically made her more popular than ever. I support that.
Really? Because I mostly remember BR2049 as being rather ugly to look at with all the dust (yes, I know they were making a point about the environment, but still), as opposed to the beautiful cyberpunk setting of the original. And the whole “replicant resistance movement” was pretty dull and recycled out of a dozen YA…
Um, no Battles on this list?
She was really good in "Thoroughbreds."
Is that Terry Crews in Crackdown 3?
Beach House as number 1 is not surprising, they are consistently awesome, but I feel the list should include Melody’s Bon Voyage album.
It’s been mostly ignored but my album of the year is still Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death in Meatspace.
It’ll be in 2019, for chrissakes. Can’t they use that Chinese AI news anchor technology to have a cardboard cutout of Carrie Fisher host the damn thing?
What about Gritty?
That trailer for Stan & Ollie makes it look like the worst sort of maudlin garbage.
He said he’s living as a gay man, so I think the implication is that he’s had loving relationships with women in the past, but is not attracted to women currently. Many gay men have romantic relationships with women that can be very meaningful, so I assume Spacey didn’t want to negate those relationships by failing to…
The worst part of this is how many assholes are going to use Spacey as proof of the old “gays = pedophiles” saw.
I’d agree, though I also think they’ve done a good job of making Cap an interesting character too. He SHOULD be a bore, but I’ve enjoyed Evans in the role and the character’s almost naive commitment to a belief in pure good and evil. Feel true to a comic book character.
Probably the best accomplishment of this movie is that it actually makes Thor the character a genuinely fun person to be around. Thor has previously had moments of fun, but on the whole, Hemsworth’s natual comedy and charm have long been crippled by confusion as to whether Thor is a responsible hero or if he’s allowed…
The review mentions the imagery, and I’m wondering how much of that was up to Waititi as opposed to just taken directly from the comics, Planet Hulk and the Walter Simonson run of Thor are some of the most heavy metal, visually and conceptually bonkers comics Marvel has ever made, I’ve even seen posts online of…