
I begged my parents from the age of 8-13 to play peewee football. They said, you can play in High School. So i did, played all 4 years. My dad coached me in baseball from 6-12 and was always the “Fun” baseball dad that every kid’s parents wanted to coach.

I know it. My day is fraught with normalcy.

I don’t think many people would consider his turn as a ‘reality TV star’ to be part of his fortunes. That is an ‘opportunity’ that comes with a whole lot of downside. Odom, for all his faults, didn’t need more attention. He needed the right kind of attention.

Anyone who orders a Frappucino before 9AM in a Starbucks with more than 3 people on line is a an asshole.

By this logic, people who regularly drink Frappuccinos are the least psychopathic among us, and I refuse to accept that.

I prefer my coffee with heavy cream or hazelnut creamer. I drink it black because I drink a lot of it and also like to zip my pants.

I really wanted a Younger Jeezy signed photo.

Now playing

Shea’s (excellent) book includes, in each chapter, a written “rebuttal” to his pick for the most important song of the year, and I wrote the rebuttal for ‘97. My pick: “The Rain” by Missy Elliott, featuring Timbaland. Here’s what I wrote:

A lot of the attendance stuff is fans intentionally staying away from the ballpark because they didn’t want to support the Wilpon family’s crap, where they would slash payroll to Minnesota Twins levels but repeatedly lie to the fans by saying there’s nothing wrong with them financially and there’s “financial

So you’ve just forgotten about how terrible Mets ownership is, and how many fans flat out refused to support the subpar product that was peddled for the last six years? There was a quasi-boycott going on against the Wilpons. If your dear Mr. Steinbrenner acted like Fred Wilpon has been all of Yankee Stadium would look

If you honestly believe that, you live under a rock. Mock mets fans, make fun of them, poke fun of them, but you can’t seriously believe this team doesn’t have supporters. Watch tonight and listen to that crowd.

HELL no. We’ve always been here; it’s just that we’re very quiet and you pay about as much attention to the MLB as you do to your spelling.

Hey, the radio station’s call sign is W-FAN, not W-Reasonable Person With Sense of Proportion

Bingo. I am not a nutritionist, but I managed a nutritionist’s practice once, and it seems to me that real Celiac sufferers are not looking for packaged convenience foods with the gluten removed; they’re looking for guidance on creating a balanced diet of whole foods that have no gluten to begin with.

It is better to make a concrete offer. Say something like - I want to help you. Can I come by on Thursday next week with dinner? People who are grieving don’t always feel comfortable asking for help even when it has been offered with the best, truest of intentions.

“Well why didn’t she grab one of the guns and point it at him? That’s what I would’ve done.”

Normal people go to the internet for their nudes. This guy obviously wants to dominate the girls. He doesn’t care about the pictures. He just wants to show he can make people do what he wants. And if they don’t, they get slaughtered.

Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.

Katie Nolan is fantastic. Too bad I don’t watch FS1. Wish she has a bigger platform.