
Not sure why that arouses your disgust. My son is on the spectrum, and that is exactly how to best communicate with him. Reducing the number of words parses the message down to its bare bones and eliminates the distraction of extraneous words which distract him (he latches on to interesting or unfamiliar phrases, and

Because the logistics of being able to have a puppet with the capability for the manual dexterity required to sign would be unbelievably difficult?

Yea. Exactly.

Awww...did you get a certificate from your doctor to give to your dad?

Seriously. A few months back, some friends and I had a waitress who wasn’t doing a very good job that night. She was clearly distracted, screwed up a couple of our orders, and forgot to come back to refill our drinks. She also looked like she’d been crying recently and was liable to start crying again at any moment.

Always a possibility. But that generally isn’t how they work. You don’t just drink a magic elixir (or get it shot in your ass, as it were) and suddenly you hit nothing but 400ft bombs. Unless you count PCP as a PED, in which case you think his fielding and general demeanor would take more of a hit.

I’m going to be a little sad watching Daniel Murphy hit 40 HR’s in Yankee Stadium after the Mets let him walk after the season.

“He has an incentive to give me exceptional service, not some mediocre minimum”

If you live and work in New York City, you should not be allowed to carry a backpack unless you are absolutely willing to take off said backpack the second you enter the subway and leave it off the entire time you’re on the train. Nothing is worse than Oblivious Backpack Guy, taking up an entire person’s worth of

Which leads right back to issues of transportation as well. Try hauling groceries on a bus, it’s SUPER FUN. I’m lucky that I live three blocks from a grocery store now. When I’m without a car, the walk back and forth several times a week for fresh food is exercise, as is carrying my bag back with me. But I have to

You do realize you just bragged about your pressure cooker, bread maker, and storage availability, right? I’m not commenting on the inclusion of beef choices, because chicken is all most people affected in this thread can afford.

That’s assuming everyone has a) a working oven, stove, and whatever other gadgets necessary to make everything, b) the storage space for meal planning, c) the consecutive time to make so much in one sitting, d) the access to the food in the first place, and e) the knowledge with which to do those things. My spouse is

Learning something about a subject you find interesting when you’re on a commute or cleaning the bathroom? It’s pretty logical, honestly.

The only shortcoming here is our universities producing adults who cannot handle the existence of a point of view outside of their own.

We also upset several strong student groups

This boils down to “I don’t like that you’re utilizing this avenue for discourse in the manner it was intended.”

Ah, Wesleyan. Keep fucking up, you gorgeous institution.

I once asked my mother, who worked in the ER for decades, if she’d ever had a patient who was shot in self defense. She said no. Three-year-olds shot by their 12-year-old brothers, yes. People killed by stray bullets when sitting down for dinner, yes. And, well- I could go on. Guns keep the ER busy. But not because

I am among the biggest #CheatriotsHaterz there are, but I have to acknowledge that half of Belichick’s “genius” is in simply standing still while 90 percent of the league does utterly stupid shit all around him

Bike lanes are great for drivers because they keep cyclists out of your way.