Even if they aren’t that young, how many of them actually WERE Yankee fans pre-1996?
Even if they aren’t that young, how many of them actually WERE Yankee fans pre-1996?
Bangs cut off your face, your wonderful, beautiful face,
alternately, bangs hide my forehead. my horrible, tall and expansive forehead.
God, it must really be awful for those creators to have a bunch of people on the internet making assumptions about their intentions and criticizing them publicly. Good thing it’s only on twitter though, imagine if there was a whole app, just for that!
Yeah, well baseball is duller than pig shit. What else is there to do?
I responded to someone else on this but (a) The NFL waived it’s tax-exempt status this year (b) the “NFL” doesn’t make as much money as you’re thinking - the member institutions do, and they’ve always paid taxes, and (c) The article is actually incorrect in stating the “NFL” has this arrangement with DoD. They don’t.…
I’m so disappointed that he’s turned out to be such a fucking clueless douche.I liked him so much.
Gosh, I needed a little faith in humanity with my coffee today.
In a 162-game season, nobody runs out every hopeless fly ball the same way they’d run out a liner into the gap. Nobody ever. And Bryce Harper has done a thousand times more good for the Nats by hustling when it actually matters than he ever could by making a smarmy performance of treating a doomed popout like it’s the…
I haven’t thought of that, but for some reason I REALLY hate that idea.
I always assume it’s because they know running for President means you might actually have to be President and that shit seems horrible.
No. I bleed like a stuck pig + clots for texture. Trying to maneuver a full menstrual cup in a public restroom is grosser than gross. We all have to deal with life’s hurdles in our own way.
They are certainly expensive, and not the most environmentally friendly choice, but not everyone can use a menstrual cup. I tried, and it was difficult to put in, and painful to take out. It just doesn’t work for some people. Some people can’t justify spending $20 to find out if they like it or not. Some people are…
Amy is way too good for Nick. Talent wise. Looks wise. Intelligence wise. Now that she’s available and the Hammaconda is back on the market, their mutual pal Tina needs to play matchmaker.
I’ll cosine that
I wish it were trigonometry. Seeing Luck and Fitzpatrick match wits for three hours sure as hell would have been exponentially more interesting than whatever I was watching on ESPN last night.