
So I think by now we know the structure of men who go on killing sprees: misogyny. I’m sure we’ll see this show up in law enforcement training, policy, manuals and the designation of misogynistic groups as terror organizations. I’ll just start my stopwatch....  

somehow an even bigger fucking loser than we thought

Spot on. Except you left out the part about what a nice guy they say they are.

It’s a melange of things. One aspect of it is identification. These people identify so strongly with the concept of masculinity, that other men abusing then in any manner is seen as some sort of Darwinistic ‘right’. But women not ‘respecting’ their manhood? That’s unconscionable because they’re women, and hence

This. I have bipolar. I got my ass into treatment and struggle to manage it every day. Somehow, I still managed never to be a narcissistic asshole. I may have been psychotic to the point of breaking with reality and definitely had some serious delusions, but I never have behaved a egomaniacal as this guy. It isn’t

People who are mentally ill can also be assholes independent of their mental illness, add to that that mental illness doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Kanye West is BOTH mentally ill and an egomaniac asshole. Even with meds he’ll stay a narcissistic dick hole lol

All these fuckers tick the same boxes, it’s as if there made in a factory.

A reminder: Considering a murder/suicide? Do the suicide first.

This dude focused on sexist issues for decades and yet somehow failed to realize in all that time that most of the reasons these laws exist are because of the patriarchy, not because of feminism. I doubt he’d listen to a word you said. 

wonder if he’d be upset that I (ultra feminist) agree that women should either register for the draft (or that the draft should be abolished)?

Beyond the awful tragedy of an innocent person being killed, it’s unspeakably depressing to know that there are men who go through life fixated on women and yet are simply full of hatred towards us. From what I just read, he spent a lot of time trying to get women’s attention and presumably to get sex from them... but

After reading up on Hollander, I don’t know how DHS doesn’t run mandatory background checks on members of wizardchan and every other hive of incels.

Dudes like him are super basic and will die on the strangest of hills. 

This is a tragedy.

The Seattle Times features a loss from this virus every day--fathers, mothers, sons, daughters.

Meanwhile that craven, oppotunistic succubus Kim Guilfoyle is parading around infecting everything it touches, excepet those that most deserve it - The First Grifters. I have my fingers crossed.

And Afrikkaner whose father owned and Emerald mine. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in a country with a racial history almost as bad as the USA.

I’m an American living in Canada & I wish that the voting for the Prime Minister was completely separate from the voting for my local MP. Sometimes there are good local candidates who belong to parties whose leader I don't want to have running the country.  Also, sometimes there are really shitty local candidates who

Always knew you were still alive Idi!

Also, I did not post this comment! That is something I would never do.