
My mom actually used to be a romance writer! She quit her 9-5 when she had kids and had always dreamed of being a published novelist. Romance novels were simply the most accesible way to do that and she published about a dozen of them while staying home with us. 15 years later she went back to office work.
I used to

I love she-devil. i watched it recently and it’s aged really well (fashion notwithstanding) compared to most movies of the same era. i wish hollywood would revive the mini-genre of female empowerment/revenge films.

Exactly. And yet they’ll all come out saying that this is what the market claims their skills are worth.

My OB-GYN doesn’t provide mammograms either. Most gynecologists don’t. Right? It’s almost like these people don’t know what they’re talking about.

My Ears Are Too Fat - How I Learned To Love Them Anyway

Even when I knowingly eat asparagus at lunch, I’m still like “what the fuck is that smell!?” when I pee later in the afternoon. What’s worse is if I also have beets for lunch and it comes out tinted red. I get very worried and then breathe a sigh of relief when I remember my pee is only red and stinky because of lunch.

I have never heard of it, and therefore would have no idea what they were talking about, so I’m not in favor. Jokes about Neiman Marcus and their ridiculous prices are better confined to urban legends about being charged for cookie recipes.

The term “asparagus water” makes me think about how asparagus pee smells.


Just yesterday, I was at the corner store buying my standard migraine hangover cure: giant ass Coke Zero and some salt-and-vinegar potato chips. I had messed up hair, sunglasses deployed, ratty-ass clothes, and Kid Electron in tow, because it’s just not a migraine hangover without a three-year-old asking for Skittles

A thousand times yes. Domestic violence plus guns equals a literal war on women.

I’ll just have you know that my Fridays at work are spent hitting refresh until Shade Court gets posted.

Yep. She accidentally spilled wine in that baby’s face.

I fucking love Coco. There I said it. She seems like that friend that is super nice but will go from 0-100 real quick when you need her to.

I’m not a trophy hunter, so maybe I’m just ignorant about such things, but I don’t even understand his desire to shoot a big-ass elephant. He couldn’t bring home any “trophy” from such a kill, could he? Elephant ivory is illegal as shit in the US, is it not? What was he going to bring home? A picture and the warm,

robert mugabe is the literal worst, as he has always been. news at 11

+ Stanley Tucci and Ryan Gosling

These photographs are very Kate Chopin, The Awakening.

My old boss used to run into them from time to time, and in addition to mentioning that Soon-Yi had “a great figure,” he also said that she “wore the pants in the family” and was constantly telling him what to do and where to go etc. (I pretty much trust my boss to be more or less accurate/truthful in his analysis,