I’m biased, but yes. It’s legit hilarious. Watch some of the music videos on YouTube.
I’m biased, but yes. It’s legit hilarious. Watch some of the music videos on YouTube.
If someone who fits the profile of an abuser (has power over many women, hides from the public eye, has clear arrogance and self-aggrandization issues, etc) is accused of raping someone and then threatening to destroy their career (which he absolutely had the power to do) in order to coerce them to lie, the fact that…
My mom, who was raised Catholic, can still tell you what condemned movies she saw as a kid. (Gigi made a big impression.) I think some people back them treated it as a what-to-see list.
I regularly see people throw shit out their window while driving. I’m not talking cigarette butts. I’m talking cups, cans, wrappers. It’s infuriating. Can’t you just fucking wait to get where you’re going? Or keep a bag in the car to dispose of trash? Fuck you.
I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack…
I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence. I think there isn’t enough of that anymore (everything is always strident and polarized) but you did a great job sitting with the murkiness of what this all means about Bowie’s legacy.
I’m so confused when Trump does stuff like blame 9/11 on W, then last night he says the Iraq war was a mistake that Bush lied us into and told Jeb that his mom should run for president instead of him??? Like I find myself agreeing with Trump???? Should I see a doctor??
I get what he’s saying because Ellen was visible in a way no one in Hollywood had been up until that point. Still, as humble as he is, he’s been an amazing president for LGBT individuals (and the country at large, I think.) He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!) and refused to defend DOMA (thanks…
i dont see the problem
Rumor has it Liam may be dating Diane Lane. I approve if that’s true.
oh wait was this article about weed vaping and not tobacco vaping?
Do you think they make Jeb sit at the kids’ table
So you’re saying she’s available?
Totally disagree on the second-hand embarrassment issue. It took me multiple cocktails, long breaks, and several hours to make it through the first hour of The Comeback and I never attempted to watch more episodes because the second-hand embarrassment was rancid. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend feels a great deal more humane to…
The second Paula sang that you could wipe back to front if you believe in yourself enough was when I set the season DVR.
I live in the midwest, and USD$1,400/month for a licensed, accredited daycare is about average, if not low.
I have done Bernie Sanders the favor of hiding any Bernie Bros in my facebook or twitter so that I can make reasonable decisions about the election without feeling like I want to punch Bernie supporters* straight in the taint.
I would contact him off the strength of “my body is ready.” lol
this is actually pretty funny