Steve Akker

That’s true.  For me, I just naively assumed that there weren’t so many of ‘these’ people out there. Some sure. But not as many as we’re seeing. Sure, they’ll slink back into whatever fetid sewer they live in after a new AG is elected - but this kind of stuff is firmly in the ‘can’t un-see’ category of how America is

Hey, don’t forget about all of the people who get sick, survive, and end up with permanent organ damage. They’ll need to sell their bikes, too.

Praying on people’s lust of seeing other people suffer. Makes sense and probably quite lucrative given the youtube market.

I live in GA now. I see more in Pennsylvania than in GA. 

Me, an enthusiast - they don’t look good.

Ufly as a blind date !!!

I’ve seen a lot of trucks that are lifted with big tires, etc and still go to work every single day. Look at all the horse hauling and farm trucks that pull heavy equipment around all the time and have 6+” lifts with 38+” tires.