Steve Akker

And everyone thinks the Green New Deal is about climate change ???........

Lowes is working on installing solar panels on Stores and select Distribution Centers as we speak . They want to be fully " green " by the end of 2024 .

Owned a couple Saturns , early 3 door and a later Ion sedan . Both manuals and bought used . Upper 30's in MPG . and a blast to drive . Ran them both close to 200k miles. This wagon is a steal . Show up with $3500 cash and drive the piss out of it ! 

Here's an idea , quit buying cars at over MSRP ! As consumers,  we have the final say on what we buy right ? Nobody is forcing the public to buy anything . Plenty of used cars and trucks out there ! The only ones to blame are the idiots that think they have to have the New trick of the week , and overpay . If this

Start buying some old bikes and roll em out into the intersection unmanned . People start having to stop to pull a bike out from under their car and they'll start stoppin for Red Lights ! 

Wanted to vote NP because I was feeling nostalgic about the 84 Delta 88 my son totaled in college while I was repairing his car . These Olds drive like the Road Barge that they are , but are hopelessly gutless . I wanted to replace the 307 with a 455 , but to no avail . If you want a safe car for your family though ,

Can't help but wonder about what all these EV retrofitters are going to do when they need a heater or defroster ? Guess they are all going to be fair weather cars ?

Can you say " Democrats " ?

Chrysler should do this for the majority of Jeep owners . I probably offroad my Outback more than most of the Mall Crawlers out there !

All that Yellow Ball version needs is a Kerker header !

Previously owned 2 Saturns and loved them . Both bought used for dailies,  both manuals . The 1st one was SC2 like the one here and was a blast to drive. Quick revving , smooth shifting and a pretty good handler. More fun than the 4 door Ion that followed but ran them both well over 150k . They weren't optimum winter

In typical Harley tradition,  it looks as though that stock seat is really going to suck ! 

My Mother in Law owned one of these Exact cars . Drove beautifully.  I believe this car is worth every penny .

Exactly , and where were all the Unity preachers 4 years ago ?

You're an idiot 

Agreed,  if you are going retro , go retro. Sweeping guages and some nice clunking toggle switches .

Well said ! I also vote on how I feel about it , not what the market will bear .

The paranoia runs deep on this website apparently.  

Not my style , but worth the money. Sell the Pimp wheels on Ebay , knock some of the rest of the ugly off it and drive the crap out of it !

Check your facts . The black truck , the one that was the instigator , was flying a BIDEN flag !! Either get your facts right or stop writing about politics!