Man Who Benefitted From His Dad in Twitter Beef With Man Who Benefitted From His Son, reported on by Man Who Benefitted From His Dad.
Man Who Benefitted From His Dad in Twitter Beef With Man Who Benefitted From His Son, reported on by Man Who Benefitted From His Dad.
There’s a reasonable explanation for all of this (you’ll kick yourself for not thinking about it). The mob is influencing these games. See everybody is betting on the Golden Knights to lose, so what they’re doing is paying the players under the table to win and then betting against the crowd. The perfect crime.
He looks more like a Kyle to me.
Says the guy supporting the killer of 5 hookers.
I think he should have to play the first 4 games with a ball COMPLETELY deflated... Like ur dad makin u smoke the whole pack when he catches you smoking cigs! Ha!
Yes, he is.
There're lots of floating bridges in the area. Just need a span that can open for max sized traffic and a few sally ports for the little guys. Not a hard problem.
Can we just stop and realize that Archon Mode existed in original SC and isn’t actually new?
I am a massive internet embarrassment
Looks to me like the center made a great play: he saw that the DE was offside, so the center intentionally snapped the ball early to guarantee the penalty. Go to the :25 mark of the video and you'll see the center do exactly that.
Williams hasn't actually played at Texas since 1999, so it's doubtful that this news will phase him too much.
I think a better solution would be instead of boards, have a ledge that players will fall over and then a Turtle on a cloud with a fishing pole rescues them and drops them back in the middle of the ice.
But can they square dance?
I checked the ABA website's list of accredited schools, and "the Deadspin comment section" wasn't listed. So if he did get his legal education there and he's currently practicing, he could potentially be facing sanctions.
Always cut your burger diagonally
No. This is Deadspin dot com.