
I cannot hear Winter without crying my eyes out. It happens every single time.

My family used to send money to help a Polish family, so I'm pretty sympathetic to the white perspective and I didn't think the white characters were offensive. I'm also part white, on my dad's side, and I saw nothing wrong with the portrayal of white characters in this show. Just my opinion, you're entitled to

"here's a message that I'm sending to you

I am super thrilled for Ashley Graham because, GODDAMN, and also I've followed her career and think she is awesome. However, this isn't news until a mainstream publication features a woman like Tess Munster:

Actually, Sports Illustrated hasn't done a damn thing. She's in a PAID AD in the Sports Illustrate Swimsuit Issue, not an actual, featured model. Sports Illustrated continue to peddle the same conventional standards of beauty they always have, without waver.

The fashion industry never was about marketing sexiness. It's much more about marketing insecurity and self-hatred.

I want to applaud Sports illustrated for having the courage to feature a young white woman with symmetrical features, the hip to waist ratio of the Venus de Milo, and pert breasts. Most humans look at this model and have to cover their eyes in horror. Only the Sports Illustrated editors could see past conventions of

Here is the thing (and I'm sure I'm about to piss a lot of people off, but I'm going to say it anyway): Both of my sons are autistic. They were autistic before they had their shots, and we saw signs before they were vaccinated. We vaccinated them anyway, because vaccines do not cause autism.

Uphill In The Snow Both Ways, man. You kids have no idea how good you had it!— before the 90s, we weird chicks had ZERO representation on television, and no role models, and no hope for affirmations that we were OK just the way we were & that this was a normal way to deal with our sick sad world. Before the 90s, the

WTF didn't Wilson just hand off the ball?!!! For fuck's sake!

Well, my daughter was born six weeks ago via surrogate. I am not infertile, I have well-controlled mental illness and can't go off meds for any reason. All the hatred and judgement people spew about surrogacy is pretty rich coming from a group of extremely pro-choice feminists. My surrogate is smart and strong and

I think this is fanfic from one of the dudes that were so sorry that they had abortions.

I was homeschooled. I followed a normal curriculum that had no religious influence at all. I was supervised by a credentialed teacher who I could email or call if necessary. I graduated two years early from high school. Nothing wrong with homeschooling if it's done right.

You know what really makes you feel old? Being too old to have liked something when it came out 15 years ago.

I'd murder my clone and farm him for parts, because I know for a FACT he would do it to me if I let my guard down. That sonuvabitch.

She was making fun of an evil dictatorship that has put the North Korean people, her people, through unimaginable pain and suffering. And do you know why she played it like that? Because SHE CAN. Because she's here. Anyone over there who pisses off the government is sent to camps and sentenced to years of forced

No judgement here, I am solid fan of Step Up 2: The Streets.

I've long argued that it's impossible to make the wrong decision since you'll never know what would have happened had you chosen the other option. It's easy to look back and assume that everything would have been wonderful if you'd only [insert regret here], but any choice you ever make will result in some good things

Used to do this all the time. I think, anyway. I mean, I don't actually remember doing it so much but then I learned about it and realized "yes. This is something guys do. I'm going to make sure I don't do it anymore." And given how hard I have to try to remember not to do it, I suspect I used to do it a lot. I think