
This is so timely as I was just perusing the WW site to rejoin. I have some medical issues that have helped me gain 25 lbs in the last few months and I need to get it off stat. WW has worked for me in the past, it only worked because I was obsessive about the points and worked out for an hour a day but now I have 2

I live in a St. Louis suburb and this seems to be the only explanation I've gotten from anyone actually (claiming) they're voting for Akin. He's not Claire. That's the reason. That's it. It makes me want to scream.

I might have. I couldn't remember if I did or not but decided that no one remembers me anyway. Thanks for remembering!

Our old house, which was also literally old as in 104 yrs, was haunted and I had three "experiences" with whatever it was. The first time, my husband and I were both woken up by a weird noise and when we checked it out, we saw that a snack container had launched itself off the counter and down the hall about 5 feet.

My mom had the Scruples board game and while it was on the shelf with our Monopoly and Hungry Hungry Hippos, we were FORBIDDEN from ever even opening it. We grew up imagining all the crazy sexy fun that game must have held. I still have no idea how to play it but my mom still has it in a box with all our old toys.

This is what I was getting at. Thank you.

I'm trying to minimize sugar and eliminate MSG and artificial sweeteners from our diet and I'm finding it nearly impossible. This shit is in everything. We're doomed.

I also applaud her for speaking out. I have two adopted children and my experience has been closer to her's than the fairy tale they show on An Adoption Story. Both of my kids have major attachment and sensory issues and working through them has been, and continues to be, the hardest thing in my entire life. I

I have always felt judged in my life but having kids took it to a level I didn't know existed.

While it's comforting to know I'm not alone, I feel bad for the both of us. My mom has never learned how to be happy on her own without constant outside validation and that was a terrible lesson for me to grow up with. I've made it my mission as a parent to make sure my children know that they can spread their wings

When we started talking more about moving away, she realized we weren't really kidding and then every comment no matter how offhand resulted in me spending a lot of time telling her that we weren't moving. Not now anyway. She said she would have a total mental breakdown if we go ( it wouldn't be the first) or she

I am not joking when I say that I stayed indoors for most of last summer because of them. I had a lot of trouble even going to the grocery store because they would attack as you walked and I CANNOT DO BUGS FLYING AT ME. It became a joke with my family but I was dead serious that I was terrified. I ran out of coffee

It's 80+ here and last night I saw a lightening bug and I've already had two mosquito bites. In March. In the midwest. Last year it was the fucking cicadas and now this.

This is so timely. My husband and I go to attachment therapy for our kids and last night we were discussing our own parents and how our childhood effects our parenting and we talked a lot about my mother and how she has zero boundaries. My parents are both extreme in that my father is very distant and my mother is

Big Bang is coming to the US?! FOR REAL? This is epic.

I'm a 38 year old woman and I'm obsessed with Korean boy bands. It started on a whim when I saw a picture of Big Bang and wanted to hear what they sounded like and to my surprise I enjoyed some of it. Now I subject my family to them, Shinee, Super Junior, Leessang, and more. I feel bad for my husband that he knows

Do you feel like it got you in shape? This is only my second week. I've always done more aerobic stuff (Zumba, etc.) but I fell off the wagon after kid #2 came along and thought this would be a good goal for me. If I don't see progress, I usually bail. I also do yoga and toning between runs. I hate exercising but it's

I just started Couch 2 5K and I can't believe how many people have told me that and tried to discourage me from running. I thought I was doing something good for my body!

I'm 5'2" and am obsessed with maxi dresses. I know I probably look ridiculous but they are so cute and comfortable so I just avoid mirrors. As long as they're the right length, I think we shorties can make them work.

My kids are both adopted and we do attachment parenting after we realized traditional parenting methods weren't working. They've both struggled with different issues since coming home and it's been a life saver for us and them. It's not for everyone and but we have seen great results so far and it's also made me more