
My sister in law is a Super Christian and she truly believes in her heart of hearts that abortion is murdering a child and feels it's her duty to God to stop it from happening. It goes beyond separating church and state and makes it so frustrating to understand. She just doesn't get it when I say someone can totally

I'm also infertile, have two adopted children and am VERY pro-choice but I will say that fact has shocked people before. Even my mom has made off handed comments if she hears of someone having an abortion, like "with all the people like you who want babies it just sickens me" and then I school her on how life isn't

I have to add that I'm also 37 and also get my dressing tips from Stacey and Clinton. There was a time in my life when I could dress just fine but I seem to have lost that ability as I age so now I just do what they say.

An old client of mine is a priest and several people came forward a couple of years ago and said he abused them. It was so shocking because he was so nice and sweet when we worked together, even took us to lunch one time as a thank you, but to think he used that same old man charm on a kid was really disturbing. The

Thanks for that info!

I also have PCOS but I've never heard of surgery for it! I am intrigued. Did you have your ovaries removed?

Women are very capable of making their own decisions regarding their own health. We don't need a method to keep us in check.

Oh my goodness. Why is everything oddly large? It's like she is a sexy carpenter elf or something but why? What are her feet? Are they walls? Cinderblocks? This is sexy AND confusing.

I'm think I'm in the minority because my husband and I are very close and choose to do most everything together. I have close friends and spend time with them as well as time alone, but most of the time I would rather be hanging out with him. On the flip side, my best friend, who incidentally cheated on her ex-husband

My husband will be 43 and I'll be 38 and we just adopted our second child 8 months ago. Most of the people in our adoption group are 35+ so don't feel like it's something you can't do at or after 40. The age of the child you can adopt may be effected but most agencies I know of (we went international, I'm not sure

You know something, I had that exact same thing happen to me on occasion several years ago but I never thought they could be panic attacks. . It came on with no warning and I would be okay after getting some air, but my doctor would just say it was low blood sugar. I never really believed him but didn't know what else

Oh my, the flight home. I think every person from row 42 and back knew our story because she cried for about 15 of the 18 hours to Chicago. One of my friends told me that I was lucky I didn't have to go through labor but when I told her about our flight, she agreed it was a wash. This was our second time, too. My son

It was so oddly comforting in that moment but also ridiculously hilarious given the situation and we've kept saying it ever since. Anytime she's been upset, which has been most of the time (adoption is hard, y'all), we yell it in a really loud cheerful voice and she'll start to laugh. She's been home for 8 months and

When we adopted my daughter in Seoul, they literally handed her to us and stuck us in a cab. She was very upset and was screaming to the point that she was about to throw up. This went on for the entire cab ride back to the hotel, which took about 20-25 min in traffic. I was also crying and kept saying sorry to the

I don't get why everyone thinks this is so awful. If I could take 4 honeymoons a year, I'd be jumping for joy. These people seem really happy so who the fuck cares. Haters to the left!

This is blowing my mind. I had no idea it was the same person. She was also in Escape From Witch Mountain and I spent a great deal of time wanting to be her.

I knew it looked familiar!

That's really good to know because I loved the taste of the salads but the feeling was just too gross after a while. I'm going to try again.

Oh thank you, I thought it was just me! It's turned me off spinach salads for good.

Does spinach, especially raw, leave a weird film in anyone else's mouth?