
Everyone does. Because the US ratings system is entirely based on ses and profanity, and you can pretty much anything you want upmtomdripping, gushing blood. If you take tht Rambo scene where he guns down 40 guys and remove the blood, PG-13

That's because people who aren't biased morons (e.g. kids) realize that violence is bad, while sex is not.

The Super Mario 3D World run is impressive. I'd love to see a 4 player speed run though!

I'm dating myself here but Mr. Wizard came to mind.

Reject this.

He needs to have a beard...nintendo, make him permanently have a beard. please

Donatello does machines.
This is the pose he uses the lure them in.

That note about the age of Android gives me a constant headache, it is not unusual for places to demand 8+ years exp. with Android and iOS.

Same here, just picked mine up yesterday (Wind Waker bundle ftw). Totally had the "ah-ha" moment when I switched Mario Kart to the gamepad so we could watch a show on tv. That's going to be really useful. Also the online functionality seems miles ahead of the Wii, thank god.

Yep did the same. I expected to be looking at mini-replicas of the new movie designs so I could try and get a handle on why I dislike them so much.
Then I saw these ones...and I love them. I'll watch this show over the new movie any day.

Oh man. I clicked the link for this article before the image loaded, expecting some new, shitty merchandise for Michael Bay's stupid TMNT movie. Boy, was I wrong. Shiiiiit these look nice.

I think this happens with most media over time. I'm sure movie buffs reach a point where they've watched enough of everything that every new movie comes across as a mesh of stuff they've seen before. read enough books across all genres, and everything is just a rehash of the same themes and occurrences over and over.

f zero.

New 2D or 3D Metroid. Fav this up peeps!!

Dear Ubi,

Why do I feel like 750 k isn't a lot of money for the worlds largest video game collection?? Maybe I just have no concept of value or he took a loss in a quick, mass sale?

Ask that to my massive collection from Steam sales past...

what's the point of eating ice cream?

What made the on foot stuff enjoyable in Watch_Dogs is Ubisoft Montreal learned a lot from Splinter Cell over the years. That's evident in the game since to me Aiden feels like a scaled down Sam Fisher. The cover, hacking, and gun play mechanics are so similar the only learning curve in the game was getting used to

Much rather have this awesome symbol personally.