
If it was on his console of choice he wouldn’t have made the comment. It’s just the one-sided entitlement kids are clutching to these days.

Oh this is a fun game! BLANK is too good to have stayed buried on the Wii U. Fill in the Blank

Cuphead is fantastic. I bought an Xbone last month as well, and though I have put some time into Rare Replay and Sunset Overdrive, the vast majority of my time playing the console has been with Cuphead.

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Owlboy is coming to the Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 13. The retro-inspired adventure platformer was in development for nine years before finally releasing on PC last year. I played it and thought it was worth the wait.

Kurt Cobain tried to warn us, fish don’t have any feelings. Damned bastards.

I think because it’s a weird book that was turned into a different but equally weird movie. Going straighter with the story, like the SciFi mini series did, makes it boring.

By the apparent stringent rules governing this list (/sarcasm), Get Out has as much right to be on it as anything else.

Ehhhhhh. Xbox completely overhauls the interface every six months and forces you to relearn how to navigate the stupid system without adding anything of value. The updates look major but they’re actually pretty dumb.

I liked the VS series but the fact they removed splitscreen in this entry was very sad since it was a great hang-out game.

Somewhat related, I for one welcome any distancing we do from the nonsensical numerical groupings America has. Looking at you stupid fucking Imperial system.

Honestly, the only games i really ever see on the store are the ones I search for thanks to Kotaku.

But the question still remains; who is better at competitive fighting games? Parents or kids?

I... wow I am very happy to hear that! I loaned my Wii copy out to someone who never returned it, so being able to download it to my Wii U is very welcome indeed!

OH MAN! You could do some really wicked things as a developer with this ability. Imagine a horror game where all of a sudden the streamer is mentioned by name.

games should just have a coward mode for these people who cant take a challenge because “they have kids and a life to live and work to do”. The real reason these people want an easy mode is not because they have other shit to do, its because they have to gobble up every piece of entertainment right here and now, so

Was funny until the gaming journalist revealed that he doesn’t know TF2...

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Track: Propagation | Artist: Com Truise | Album: Iteration

I keep telling people looking for new TVs to get one with good HDR instead of just focusing on the 4K feature. Seeing things in 4k vs 1080p can be a marginal improvement, HDR vs standard is often night and day.