
Glorious Nokia Master Race!

No, it doesn't shoot crap everywhere. When you use the bidet, it flushes the poo off of you into the toilet. It doesn't go everywhere. It's WAY cleaner than toilet paper because water is a better cleaner and it doesn't get stuck.

Why are we getting a Batman vs Superman instead of a World's Finest movie?

Oh, God. Eternal facepalm:

Sir, you do know that macs have properly supported X-button mice properly for over a decade now?

This is a big deal for me, i constantly record, edit and stream. I hated having to use component with ps3, and found it aggravating when going from The WiiU or Xbox to PS3. My kickstarter Ouya has essentially not been used precisely because of its horrible everything has HDCP BS. I really hope Sony makes a statement

Ah the days of the SOS. A bunch geeks and fans of the original 1995 syndication release trying and fighting to get the show back on the air. Man, I was big into that group back then.

Maybe once a better FPS is made...

The Wii's library easily rivals the PS2's in terms of under-the-radar classics, dude. Don't assume just because you don't have a Wii.


I will. If I still care about the Virtual Boy and the Power Glove to this day, I'm sure I'll look back fondly on some of my favorite Wii U games.

Better CPU and more RAM wouldn't have made any difference.

its not surprise a Console with no games. and the media stigma on top of it

but if something Pikmin prove, games will make it sell and even with this fiasco of a launch, it can get better

as Example
In Japan WiiU broke the 1M sales units last week, it took 33 Weeks, on comparison PS3 took 38 weeks on release to break

Can we really blame Dare Devil for having a terribly ugly outfit? Can you imagine trying to explain mismatched colors to a blind person? Leave him alone, he's disabled.

Nope, the feet are too well done. (FYI it's Liefeld.)

Those are vents. His thighs run crazy hot.

Is this the polar opposite of Robin's mask?

Stryfe should have been number 1.

"polish the armor’s breasts until they shone like a J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movie" was classic.

And people hated it. In fact, it was the antithesis of Man of Steel, it had most if not all of the qualities people criticize Man of Steel for missing. It was lighter in tone, it was an homage to the Donner Superman, it hit all the marks that critics claim a Superman movie should have. It was basically a movie built