
So, what is his name?


With the amount of money i spend on controllers, iterative consoles would be so, so nice.

Back when I was dual booting Wimdows ME and 2000, there was a Red Faction desktop app where you could destroy the desktop with different guns. Good times.

Excellent point.

I was pretty surprised to see the abundance of PS4 titles, with only two on Xbox One. None of them hurts more than Last Blade 2. Yes, I will grab a PS4 down the line.


And I’ve never completed Doom, only played every mod imaginable. Anyway, I recently downloaded it on Xbone and am loving it. Am pretty excited about the new one, too.

I played this back in the day, as well as the Batman conversion, but Bubblegum Crisis was by far my favorite.

I was a major Dreamcast fanboy. When it went under I sold it and my collection of 40+ games. I didn’t get back into consoles until Wii...

I am a huge Windows Phone fan, but traded in my 1020 for an s6 edge. Auto correct on Android SUCKS!!!!!, and I miss the keyboard but everything else is great.

Pokken Tournament with the kids while I install an external drive and all my games (at once) to Xbox One.

The movement system is so great. I wasn’t sure about the tower defense elements at first, but the movement makes it awesome.

I loved Sunday Overdrive. Got it a year ago with the Xbone and played through it non-stop. Looking forward to the DLC next time I get the itch.

Last Spring I sold a guy a MacBook Pro from 2008. It was dead within a month. Weird how the ghost stayed in it while I was using it.

Below. Cuphead. Superhot. I am pumped for these Xboners.

Evangelion 3.33 has that going on.

Unless I am mistaken, the physics in Mario Maker are taken from New-U, no matter what era Mario is used.

I’d pull the trigger on that 18-55 for $500.