Pro controller is so nice. Xbone gets way more of my time these days, but gives me cramps.
Pro controller is so nice. Xbone gets way more of my time these days, but gives me cramps.
And the biggest tragedy is the children. Thankfully, many of us escape the madness.
My bible school had some of those people speak at a few chapels. It is seriously scary stuff, especially seeing how easily people get caught up in the movements that these people start. Passion is a huge draw, even if it is based in insanity.
The same thing plagued Wii U and drove it to practical third-party death. Oh, well. #multiplatformingFTW
More like Umbrian Climax.
Looks like Ghost song is making progress at least.
Is it just me, or is this the best iteration of hair on 360?
I completely agree. It’s like a much better realization of Splinter Cell: Blacklist, but filled with amazing WTFery.
Sunset Overdrive was pretty satisfying for me, for that was only $20.
Funny thing, the only game I purchased in their “sale” was Affordable Space Adventures, the one listed here. Of course, as an early adopter, I already have almost every other game....
Funny thing, the only game I purchased in their “sale” was Affordable Space Adventures, the one listed here. Of…
Love this stage, but I have only gotten as far as the gifs.
This is one of the five games I purchased the Xbone to play. It has been collecting dust because I am a big baby. Meanwhile, Sunset Overdrive is completed, FFXV demo is completed, Metal Gear Solid V is rocking my world, and Forza Horizon 2 has not even been purchased because Fast and Furious scratchs that itch.
Another reason to regret my Xbox purchase? Oh, well, looks like this will be a three console generation after all.
I am running a 64gig SanDisk thumbdrive and have seen faster loading times from it than games in system memory.
Yeah. I have around 70 games on the system, thanks to my 64gig low profile usb drive.
Patricia, I’m loving the Mario Maker coverage. It is very helpful to have your advice on where to find great levels. Keep it up!
Post your level codes!
I never would have invested the time to discover all the secrets in Super Mario 3D World if the castles weren’t locked behind stars. My love for that game started immediately, but steadily increased during my every-green-star quest.