
Same here, though I haven’t tried more than a dozen times.

My attitude will probably change, but i think i have more patience for super hard Cloudberry Kingdom than Marion Maker.

I grabbed a 64gig low-profile USB drive. Works like a champ, and covers me on most of my stuff.

I worked at Blockbuster when Shoot ‘Em Up came to DVD. I recommended it as a great action comedy. Most people were pretty mad at me.

After wearing the heck out of Sunset Overdrive, I’m regretting my Xbone over PS4 decision pretty hard....

It looks way better with the greasy camera, but the core is still there. I like how they put the gamepad inventory on the screen.

They removed multi player from the ports, which is weird because Watch_Dogs has the exact same mode with tablets/phones taking the place of the gamepad.

I haven’t returned after that first death. Arg.

I also haven’t returned to Alien: Isolation after getting lost in the dark the first level. No, I haven’t yet seen the xenomorph, I’m just a baby.

Wow. Nice website design.

True Blood


I won third place in a pog competition at a local toy store. Used my winnings to pick up the entire line of... Stargate action figures.

You.... you.

Stealth take downs are my favorite.

I love Far Cry 4 and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Not really a fan of zombies, but the coop has me interested. Will I like this game?

The amazing thing about the Internet and gaming is how much longer the news will feature Doom mods than pre-patched Batman: Arkham Knight.


As a new Android convert, “yep.”

which batteries do you use?

I can’t get this to run on my S6 edge. So, yeah, there’s that.