
This is one of the five games I purchased the Xbone to play. It has been collecting dust because I am a big baby. Meanwhile, Sunset Overdrive is completed, FFXV demo is completed, Metal Gear Solid V is rocking my world, and Forza Horizon 2 has not even been purchased because Fast and Furious scratchs that itch.

Another reason to regret my Xbox purchase? Oh, well, looks like this will be a three console generation after all.

I am running a 64gig SanDisk thumbdrive and have seen faster loading times from it than games in system memory.

Yeah. I have around 70 games on the system, thanks to my 64gig low profile usb drive.

Should I put off my PS4 purchase to get one of these? I am excited about several PS4 exclusives, but hardly have time for my Xbone and Wii U anyway...

I’m in the same boat. Looking to get a new laptop in Spring. I have a 2014 MBP for work and absolutely love it. The Surface Book has my attention, but I’m definitely going to put it through its paces before I make that decision.

Patricia, I’m loving the Mario Maker coverage. It is very helpful to have your advice on where to find great levels. Keep it up!

Post your level codes!

I never would have invested the time to discover all the secrets in Super Mario 3D World if the castles weren’t locked behind stars. My love for that game started immediately, but steadily increased during my every-green-star quest.

Same here, though I haven’t tried more than a dozen times.

My attitude will probably change, but i think i have more patience for super hard Cloudberry Kingdom than Marion Maker.

I grabbed a 64gig low-profile USB drive. Works like a champ, and covers me on most of my stuff.

I worked at Blockbuster when Shoot ‘Em Up came to DVD. I recommended it as a great action comedy. Most people were pretty mad at me.

After wearing the heck out of Sunset Overdrive, I’m regretting my Xbone over PS4 decision pretty hard....

It looks way better with the greasy camera, but the core is still there. I like how they put the gamepad inventory on the screen.

They removed multi player from the ports, which is weird because Watch_Dogs has the exact same mode with tablets/phones taking the place of the gamepad.

I haven’t returned after that first death. Arg.

I also haven’t returned to Alien: Isolation after getting lost in the dark the first level. No, I haven’t yet seen the xenomorph, I’m just a baby.

Wow. Nice website design.

True Blood
