
I won third place in a pog competition at a local toy store. Used my winnings to pick up the entire line of... Stargate action figures.

Nailed it.

Same here, except I grabbed a knight on a horse. A few years later I tried to make off with some of my cousin’s Batman action figures. My uncle interrogated my brother and I with Tabasco Sauce until I confessed.

You.... you.

Stealth take downs are my favorite.

I love Far Cry 4 and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Not really a fan of zombies, but the coop has me interested. Will I like this game?

The amazing thing about the Internet and gaming is how much longer the news will feature Doom mods than pre-patched Batman: Arkham Knight.

I mostly agree with you, but Apocalypes looks totally 80s, almost like he was designed for the G.I. Joe cartoon.

I guess their answer is this film is set in there 80s? I’m pleased to see the return of the mohawk.


As a new Android convert, “yep.”

which batteries do you use?

I can’t get this to run on my S6 edge. So, yeah, there’s that.

We’ll see if the August update keeps things going.

Am I the only one that was always repulsed by MK4? #dreamcastsnob

Well, I just moved from WP to Android. I guess I’ll be able to try some Konami stuff now...

Yeah. I bought 14 amiibo. Then I bought an Xbox One. So infuriating.
