
Of course. See below.

Now playing

If I were you, I’d take a look at 60FPS videos of Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, and Bayonetta 2. They are all beautiful games, but the 720p with no AA is something you’re going to have to look past. Notice, I did say 60fps, which is not something I’m seeing a lot of on my Xbox. :(

Yeah...Nintendo isn’t done with jaggies yet. Mario Kart is beautiful, but I wish Nintendo would learn about Anti Aliasing.


I played through it on Wii U as my first AC experience. Actually really liking a lot about Unity on the Xbox One. Looks like I’ll have to give ACIV a shot there as well...

Just saw this article today on Facebook. The top image is no longer on his website. Interesting.

I paid $20 for Ground Zeroes...

After having only Nintendo consoles since 2005, I just got an Xbone. I actually like that I can just buy the first episode of something and not bother paying more than $5.99 if I don't like it. Although, in the case of Life is Strange, the demo is enough for me to know I'd like it.

Exactly. I love both FFXV and MGSV:GZ. Excellent experiences.

I just got an Xbox One,band after owning a Wii U since launch, the lack of Co-op on Mocrosoft's console actually pissed my wife off. To ease her upsettedness, I am purchasing every couch co-op game I can find. That is honestly my only interest in this game. I hear episode 2 is good. Does it also include raid-mode?

I spent $400 on Smash Bros, not counting the 15 Amiibo that are sitting on the shelf...

Too bad I have hundreds of dollars invested in instruments and DLC for the Wii version...

Eat hearty because tonight we dine in hell.

...you're not supposed to ask for that.

I grabbed DS 2 on Wii U with the $10 sale last November. I don't think the Wii U version runs at 1080p. It also has a pretty poor frame rate consistency and some camera issues. Very fun, though!

I head what you're saying, but it looks like you forgot Zelda, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Splatoon.


I see what you mean. I'm still thinking it's Rei based on the knowing and resigned eyebrow and the softer eye lashes.
