
Sure, but that’s all abstract.

“Remarking” on it, isn’t xenophobic. Specifically targeting China and no other (read, white) foreign countries’ apps, definitely is.

Yeah, I was going to comment on that. It also seems to imply two other ugly things:

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

I saw a guy on Twitter say “you just have to standardize assets” and I suddenly found a great contender for the dumbest thing I’ve ever read in my life.

NFT does in fact automatically mean useless scam that will literally destroy the world. Nobody is buying up these shitty monkey jpgs because they appreciate the art, they’re doing to to drive up the value of cryptocurrency.

The conditions for destroying stratospheric ozone by HFCs and CFCs only exist in polar regions - they need very cold temperatures, ice crystal surfaces in clouds, and sunlight to catalyze the reactions. These conditions only occur in the polar regions and are stronger / more pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere.

Best advice I can give (and what got my my PS5), is to follow a couple of deal trackers on twitter (I like Wario64 and Matt Swider), watch Jake Randall’s YouTube videos so that you know how to actually get it from each store since there’s no consistency, and don’t get discouraged if it takes a while

How is this even a debate?

Yeah, you can fire them when they become disruptive (with or without warnings). Political affiliation isn’t a protection. A superior telling/suggesting workers vote a certain way is a violation.

Why must we make allowances for the racists or people with anger management problems?
The issues here aren’t about politics, but about poor worker management, and what we’ve been taught and told we have to accept ie any racism or bullying or misogyny at work.
None of which are ever acceptable.
We’re also learning

The rule wasn’t “no government politics”, the rule was “no societal and political discussions” - in other words, STFU about how our company is being racist and shitty because that’s “politics”.

I’m super curious how they’ll enforce this “no politics” policy, because what topic doesn’t have the potential to be political?

Attributing this level of delusion to mental health is disrespectful to the countless people with mental health struggles who didn’t spend the past four years descending in to this swamp.

The Sacklers should be destitute and forced to slum at their friends mansions.

Look up union innoculation. Good organizers innoculate worker leaders and teach them how to innoculatw their co workers. That combined with having organic leaders identified and become involved in the union drive typically make or break union drives.

I spent two years living in a country that doesn’t tip at all and it was the biggest reverse culture shock when I returned to the US. We went to a buffet in Vegas, which asked for a tip on the credit card receipt as you paid to enter the self service buffet—before you even saw a staff member! I had to ask them who I

Because she represents the future of the Democratic party. She’s going to be the Democratic nominee for President eventually. It won’t be for a few election cycles, but it’ll happen. She can sell her platform and she can drag the shit out of somebody who tries to undermine it. You know when somebody says something

Another example of why the so-called “gig economy” really is nothing but worker exploitation, or by another name: class warfare.

She’s an “uppity” person of color with more social media power than they ever dreamed of and she wouldn’t fuck them even if they were the last trust-funded pair of chinos on the desert island. Just spitballin’ here.