
Kaepernick is a driving force, not a dividing force. Unfortunately, from his personal experience, Jim Steineke considers a driving force to be very dangerous, especially with a few whiskies under his belt. 

I don’t know why someone ‘starred’ you, but ‘don’t take the job if you don’t want forced arbitration’ means ‘don’t get a job’ or ‘starve on the street’ in 2019. But you probably knew that. It’s everywhere. It’s also heavily bias in favor of the employer, especially the larger ones.

“I don’t get these Packers fans. Cheeseheads? Now that’s just ridiculous. CheeseHANDS are where it’s at. Just ask Ol’ Cheddar Rick. He’s got a pack of dogs for a protection thanks to those sculpted dairy mitts. A nibble a day keeps the other hobos away, as the saying goes. Can’t grab for shit, but he saved a pinky to

Yeah, but Marvin Lewis doesn’t have an Aaron Rodgers. He’s got Ginger Rodgers.

Still only the second worst McCarthy in Wisconsin history. 

Mark Murphy: I’m sorry, Mike. We have to move on.

Twitter blocked me because of my conservative beliefs!”

I’m confused, how is this dangerous to our society? Should private organizations not be allowed to choose their spokespeople? That seems like a WILD overstep of governmental power, to come in and say, “Nope, sorry, I know it will hurt your business and anger both your employees and your supporters, but you MUST employ

There are trans streamers who are regularly featured at GDQ. Allowing people who have been documented as saying horrible things about trans people anywhere near said streamers is dangerous to the latter.

Dude, if you think saying Nazi shit with friends is harmless fun, you’re a fuckwit who should be kept away from power. Period.

While I appreciate the Dylon style humor, college coaches are literally out here getting kids killed and convincing women to stay with domestic abusers.

Man that quote from the Discord guy is disingenuous as hell. "It's not that we don't want to be held accountable, it's just that a lot of companies are being held accountable lately and we don't want to be one of them!" 

“The reason that there’s a arbitration agreement in our Terms of Service is that there have been a continuously increasing raft of class actions and firms that look for companies that are susceptible to class actions.”

If you, fellow commenter, enjoy games but your only thought after reading this article and other horror stories is “I just don’t know if workers being protected and treated like humans is worth possible inconveniences to my luxury consumption/hobby” then you’re a fucking Trash Person, full stop.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.

I think what has given me pause in my former support fot the ACLU is the Milo case and the pushback it got from trans people on twitter who claim the ALCU decided not to help them. I think that’s a good time (along with the defense of the Cville rallies) to question their priorities. Everyone’s civil liberties matter

“People have the right to have a differing opinion, without the pitchforks coming after them.”

I dare you to form an argument without using Obama or media bias.

If anybody wants to know why you’re supposed to react to Nazis and white supremacists by sucker punching and then beating the shit out of them, as opposed to trying to reason with them, this is why. This guy was spoiling for a fight. He wanted to hurt somebody. He wanted somebody to stand up to him that was wholly

I frankly can’t imagine being on the wrong side of this debate.