
Sorry, but you’re absolutely full of shit.

If they’re going for action combat, I do hope they lean all the way into it. One thing that irked me about FF7Remake’s combat was that dodging still relied on your evasion stats. Meaning, even if you hit the button, there was a good chance you still wouldn’t dodge. If I hit the button, it should do the thing.

You know your side is entirely full of shit when you have to lie about what’s happening in order to sound reasonable.

That sounds like how much of the headlines related to sports team contracts go.

I thought when California asked people to voluntarily reduce usage, that was proof that “renewables don’t work” and “liberal policies are failures,” despite the fact that it did, in fact keep us from having brownouts.

Almost the entire reason I’ve ever heard someone going to Texas from California (unless they were an extreme right winger) is to buy a house.

Aside from people like Mike Pence trying to get the Never Trumper vote (lol), I guarantee you every one of the other candidates is in the race just to get a job with Fox News or Newsmax to spew shitty, vile propaganda.

Yes? Kids don’t mean others get out of prison, why her?

The studios were largely letting it happen, hoping that the Director’s Guild and Screen Actors Guild negotiations could put pressure on the Writers.

“I just hate that people needs to be represented”

And I’m really sick of the, “I can shoot you just because you rang my doorbell” horseshit parroted by conservatives as of late.

I mean, those subscriber numbers are literally their job.

“but I think these can be largely avoided and caught early if people were just nicer to and more open to one another”

Those acquisitions were under different administrations. And I think that everyone has seen the situation in media consolidation get very bad over the last few years. It would have been better if those weren’t allowed either, but it’s too late for that.

Good. None of these mega mergers should ever be allowed. They are universally bad for consumers and bad for workers.

“You’re pretty clearly confusing “an employment contract” (which is how corporations figure out how much they’re paying employees, including executives) and “a license to use your name, image, and likeness.””

I like the part where your bigotry and homophobia made you the villian.

I still say, telling people the “right way” to protest makes you look like an ass. Remember, these are people who would like to continue using Reddit when all of this is over. Not people who just want to leave.

No, fuck that. That has never been part of “compensation”, otherwise executives wouldn’t be getting the compensation packages they’re getting.

“Oh dont mistake my silence for not being able to defend him. I totally can 100% defend him