
None of those people think “art” is a job, and they’re the ones that get irrationally upset when games are delayed.

That’s not what this is, bootlicker. This is reporting about conservative attacks on liberals.

That was already the case with the current location, though. If you could travel to Florida, or lived there, that’s great. If not, then you’re SOL.

Ahh yes, the business genius move of... not paying your bills.

Ok, but did they fix the bug with the Treasure Hunting quest, where the dog will not follow you into the cave, even if you feed it?

I think we’ve all seen that nothing is too far for Republicans to consider it to be “the last straw” and not support and vote for Trump.

We need none of those people to drive a damn car, let alone the progress of AI.

Cops have never cared about online stuff

Bud Light caved, and as such, they deserved to be shunned by the left.

BotW and TotK share the same art style, but what’s the 3rd game?

You’re pretending that conditions don’t change, and that once what might have been an acceptable pay changes. Stop being an asshole.

And without WorldCoin providing the incentive, that “black market” wouldn’t be there. Like all other crypto projects, it’s scams on top of scams.

And I’m sure those idiots will be saying the same thing as jobs also leave

So you suggest we act like China... to get back at China?

Cool. So what are you doing to protect that data from Facebook, who has shown even more willingness to abuse it for profit?

No, your argument is horseshit. If they could have done that, they would have already. And WFH has not done anything to address the actual issues brought up by outsourcing.

Any engineer who worked on that system needs to never be allowed near a computer again. You cannot do any of that with any kind of ethical standard, period. That system is complete fucking evil.

“Your last point is precisely why, when possible, people need to set aside a room or even just a small work area that is strictly a no-go area except for work hours.”

Do we really have to know every shitty thing that every shitty person says? Do we really have to bombard the targets of their hate with their constant shitty things?

“Just playing devil’s advo here”