
“These programs have saved lives.”

“Snowden can’t get a pardon for something he hasn’t been tried for.”

But was he born in America to American parents, and then later move to Australia and become a naturalized citizen there?

I don’t disagree with you there. However, in his mind, he’s never faced consequences for anything he’s ever done. Why would it start now?

I don’t think Trump will flee, simply because he honestly does not believe that he will face any consequences for his actions. And for his entire life, that assertion has proven to be true.

Not accepting Russian citizenship was still a choice.

Given the state of US Prisons? Absolutely I would have fucking fled. This “oh, you aren’t good because you didn’t follow the exact procedure for disclosure” bullshit is tiring. His whistleblowing was good, full stop. The water he’s started carrying for Putin since he fled to Russia is bad, full stop.

Does the US recognize people as US Citizens who later go and receive citizenship in another country?

It is also about how they are complete liars.

Someone who uses the word “woke” as a pejorative is just like someone using “cuck” or “SJW” as a pejorative. It indicates that they have nothing worthwhile to listen to.

“Sorry but Adams makes a good point”

Except investing has always been about more things than just pure numbers.

Where are they “defending” Blackrock?

For Adams, it’s fine. Marriage to Adams, however, would not be advisable for anyone.

Literally everything you’ve posted has been to minimize the actions of KF, thus supporting them. And you haven’t provided a shred of evidence of her “doxxing” anyone. You’re just another asshole trying to slander a target to make KF look like they did nothing wrong. You are a terrible person, and have no credibility

That is entirely, 10000000% the fault of management not having enough people.

They don’t have to. You can spread your workforce out such that you can have everyone only working 4 days, but still be open for 5.

Not to mention there are just soooooo many bootlicking assholes out there that seem more than willing to carry water for companies, and think working less than 160 hours a week is “entitlement”.

No, but I wouldn’t doubt it if those groups weaponized this kind of thing to go after and get accounts from trans people and other marginalized groups for “being political” (read: merely existing).

And you are a hateful supporter of doxxing. Please never use the internet again.