
No, you want propaganda. A reporter’s job is not to state the “benefits of NFTs.” Their job is to report the truth. And the truth of the matter is, there are no uses for NFTs that are not better handled than the way things are.

“One of the biggest things that NFT’s are great for are online digital contracts”

If Fortnite wanted you to be able to resell skins, you’d be able to resell skins. As you pointed out, Steam has done this for quite some time, and done so without NFTs.

“This is a reductionist argument that doesn’t take into account the benefits of NFTs”

“just like how when cloud servers first started, it doesn’t do anything that monolithic servers can’t already do.”

Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.

No, it still doesn’t make them a publisher.

Well, if the loans fall through, they get a boatload of TSLA.

Funny how he wants to cut everyone’s salary but his own.

Lots of games that have ended up being good have come out of extremely tumultuous development cycles. 

And by “doesn’t agree with you,” you mean, “didn’t believe you deserve to exist.”

What beliefs, exactly


Why on earth do people keep thinking that Trump on Twitter would somehow hurt him in the 2024 election? It didn’t hurt him in 2016, and it didn’t hurt him in 2020 (he got even more votes than in 2016).

I think he knows that Elon will likely do the things that we’re worried about. He doesn’t care, because he’ll no longer have anything to do with Twitter, and so now he won’t get yelled at for it.

If I were him, I’d think so too. Not only will he get a whole bunch of cash, but he’s received nothing but criticism for how badly he’s run the service, for letting white nationalists run rampant on it, etc. Now it’s someone else’s problem.

The only people who believe that statement by Trump are the people who thought Trump University would give them a good education.

“So that means that the biggest shareholders in Twitter”

Yet Musk himself has quite a track record of not supporting free speech.

Whether he owns Twitter or not would have no bearing on the legality of doing that.