
Unfortunately, the people who that money went to, are people that would happily donate to conservative politicians during the midterms.

While part of me is surprised they didn’t do that, I’d have to imagine that would be struck down sooner, as being contrary to Section 230.

Wait, the snake oil pushed by fraudsters, was backed up by fraudulent research?

Literally nobody speaking out against vaccines is an expert in virology. And no, Fauci has no “conflict of interest.” Take your QAnon bullshit and shove it up your ass.

While this is completely fucking stupid, my first reaction at the title was that they were upset that they changed the costume for the character for the western version or something like that. So I guess this is a half step up from that?

The person that did the collecting was apparently single, and died. And from the picture, it doesn’t look like there’s much that’s super expensive, but rather a ton of things with decent value.

So what does the Ozone Layer look like in the more populated areas of the world? Is that also in bad shape, or is that still giving adequate protection?

You know he said that when in office, right? He said it toward the beginning of his term? Sorry, but there are no excuses. He was clearly talking out of his ass, as he always does, and smarter people than him let him know he was full of shit.

One thing that should be pointed out whenever Trump’s idiotic statements regarding California forests comes up, is that about 45% of all land in California is Federal land, and of forests specifically, 57% of those are Federal land. If Trump actually believed any of that nonsense he spouts, he could just go ahead and

If Donald Trump actually believed that, then he could have just done that. 57% of forest in California is Federal land.

Sure you can. And I, upon hearing that opinion, can decide that it is trash, and form the opinion that I no longer wish to support or do business with your company.

What kind of “social pressure” do you think the CEO of a company can actually face?

No. Stop trying to twist things to fit your incredibly stupid narative that masks don’t work.

Google doesn’t really have a leg to stand on with the whole, “Play Store fees are how Android stays free!” bit. Their entire reason for buying and developing Android in the first place was to have a platform that they could reliably mine for data. Which they could then use to sell advertising.

I guess I’m still not quite getting it. The ladybug one describes the basic setting, tells you how to create your character, and then tells you how checks work. Ok, but then what? Does the DM still need to create opponents and the rest of the story themselves? Or am I missing something?

“Euro was a failed experiment that many countries want to get off of”

He also sounds like the people who said that 3D TV was a useless fad. And the people who said that the Juicero was a useless fad.

Right, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the little wins as well.

Either that, or they’ve seen how much deference the courts, and the SCOTUS especially, have given to law enforcement over the years.

“The major irony as pointed out is that the damage is done, people have no trust in them and are moving away from the site.”