
Being physical or not makes absolutely no bearing in this situation whatsoever. 

You’re saying that you do not have the right to stop a sexual assault?

Somewhere, there’s an incel form claiming the masturbator is the real victim. 

The owner of the copyright is free to license the code out as they see fit, which includes giving different licenses to other groups if they wish. 

Not when it comes to the money, there’s not. 

“For, oh, about 99% of SBN writers, it was nothing more than a hobby.”

Because who’s going to stop them? South Dakota passed something similar through voter initiative not too long ago, and the legislature went into emergency session immediately to repeal it. As far as I can tell, absolutely nothing has been done to punish them. 

Given that it’s Fox, the mistake wasn’t in scheduling Karsenty, but it was in scheduling him to call in during Smith’s show, and not Tucker Carlson’s.

Well, no. One of the big issues is that they’re not issuing subpoenas yet. This article is them saying that they will. The Ways & Means committee also has not issued an actual subpoena for the Trump tax returns from the IRS.

Oh fuck off. No matter what she says, no matter how carefully she vets it, the GOP is going to take it out of context anyway. Excusing that bad faith behavior, like you are doing right now, does nothing but encourages it.

If you can point to me something from the past year where they actually condemn Trump, then you’d have a point. But you can’t.

She always had a choice. Do NOT try to paint her as some kind of victim. She willingly chose to lock kids in cages, end of fucking story. 

So are they going to make an alt-right character?

In order to type something like that, you have to completely ignore the entirety of Obama’s 2nd term, when McConnell was in the exact position you describe.

“I’m from the early 80's where we apparently knew how to take a joke.”

“Bitcoin has value, because of the proof of work it represents.”

Your entire comment smacks of entitlement, that Nintendo should give in to your whims just because. And to say that Nintendo is in the wrong for how they want to run their own tournament? That is laughable. You are exactly why competitive Smash has a bad name.

Your entire comment smacks of entitlement, that Nintendo should give in to your whims just because. And to say that Nintendo is in the wrong for how they want to run their own tournament? That is laughable. You are exactly why competitive Smash has a bad name.

Strawmen don’t illustrate points. 

“It amazes me that people who might play Smash for 20 hours max in a whole year have the nerve to say other people’s way of playing the game is wrong.”