
None of that matters in the slightest. The company doing wrong is the company doing wrong, end of story. 

That’s not true in any other aspect of compensation, like, say, executive compensation. So why the fuck does it have to be true for compensation for those that actually do the damn work?

Considering for most restaurants, “A delivery fee is not a tip paid to the driver,” (in which case, what the fuck is it for?), so putting it as a delivery fee isn’t going to help out. 

If Trump seals the report, could his successor unseal it?

I hate anyone who tries to call themselves a “job creator” with a furious passion. 

Everything you have said is entirely unreasonable to someone who has a single clue what the situation on the ground is. 

If your answer is depending on things that most people don’t have, then you don’t have an answer. Sorry, but you have not a single clue what you are talking about, and you’ve proven that you do not want these people to be able to improve themselves.

Get those regulations on company leadership, first. 

I love how you completely and utterly sidestepped the problems with your point, and just regurgitated it again.

You didn’t put a 3rd option there. You put a tired talking point that falls apart the second anyone takes a look at it. How does one acquire these skills? You go to school or a trade school or some other training program. But while attending, you still have bills to pay, you still have rent that needs to be paid, and

If you could post some pictures of the sauce, especially how it looks after blending, and how it would look after straining and cooking a second time, that could be helpful. 

How incompetent do you have to be to release an online game in this day and age without any kind of report and ignore feature? Do you somehow think that assholes aren’t going to be playing your game?

I’m surprised a bit at this. I thought California had regulations on not being able to gouge customers at events like this. It’s why I normally saw bottled water for only $1 at most street fairs and events. Granted, those were outdoors, so that might have something to do with it.

They’re funded, but very few have any meaningful oversight by the government. Trying to claim that means government run is highly dishonest. 

I mean, it is, but you can make whatever excuses you want for executives. 

If you truly believed either of those were true, you would have linked them here. But you know they’re horseshit, so you just say it, in the hopes that no one will call you out on it, and some people will just believe you.

Is this really a “Feud”? It seems like it’s Alex Jones ranting and raving against Rogan, and Rogan not really paying much attention to him. 

It is entirely a failure if you have to resort to layoffs. That’s it, end of story. 

When was this? Seriously, find a time when this ever was the case. 

And as I’ve said ad nauseum, yes, they have. They’re laying off 800 people. That’s a failure, full stop.