
“He wiped out or discouraged a lot of short sellers that were tanking his company”

Because she would never sign such a contract, cause she knows she was gonna do something like this sooner or later. 

This is almost as bad as the time Sarah Palin went rogue. 

It’s at least up there will all those dumbass “Let’s drop the ball as we cross the goal line” moves.

Yes, it is. Because some idiots have an extremely short sighted view of “freedom”

Sorry, but according to the SCOTUS, that’s exactly how the law works. 

Fuck companies trying to quash user’s rights, and double fuck the ones that try to claim they’re doing something positive for us by doing so.

That wouldn’t have stopped Rodgers. That game winning drive would’ve happened either way. You’d have to be aggressive and try to score to have a chance. 

No, but white supremacy is so steeped in every part of that website, and there are other places online where you can do that without the taint of it. 

I would have thought that GamerGate would have taught everyone that ignoring them just flat out doesn’t work, but some people refuse to learn from history. 

“ “here we are with one of the best economies in US history. Only brainwashed NPCs believe what ‘experts’ say when those claims are contradicted by reality!.””

Nothing infuriates me more than this idea that the only ones using “logic and facts” happen to be those guys. Usually not is it not true, there are plenty of facts and logic to be had, but their version of “facts and logic” is usually anything but. 

This hindsight horseshit helps no one. They can’t go back in time and change things like that. And that doesn’t change the fact that their rent alone eats up about half their pay, which anyone should be able to see means that the job simply does not pay enough to survive in the area. 

Jeff Flake was NOT elected to ignore survivors of sexual assault, and put someone who very likely perpetrated that sexual assault, as well has has lied to Congress on several occasions, on the highest fucking court in the land.

Cause that Senator is also an adult who is fully capable of taking responsibility for his actions. But, it’s not like you can’t yell at all involved. 

Every elected official should be forced to sit down one night a week, and take any and all questions hurled at them by constituents, and be forced to answer, and answer truthfully. There is zero reason why piles of shit like this should be able to simply duck away. 

So to you, not everyone deserves basic human dignity, and those that can’t learn programming and get a job deserve to be fucked completely. 

It is incredibly telling that you believe that lies and encouragement of harassment is “free speech”.

Cue a bunch of people bemoaning the fact that you can’t just make shit up, and encourage harassment of mass shooting victims without consequence. 

No, I know what it means. And someone calling you out doesn’t make them a bot.