
90% of people who claim that they hold logic as paramount don’t know anything about logic, and don’t see anything wrong when somehow it always comes out favoring them or people who look like them. 

No. Just fucking no. If all it takes for you to stop caring about actual racism, which is actually harming people and actually killing people, is for someone to tweet some mean things, then you never gave a fuck about racism to begin with. 

Wouldn’t those tools be more likely to be used like in this instance, by some pile of shit looking to ruin other’s lives?

They were on Facebook. Not really that anonymous. 

Any business owner who pays people minimum wage. 

No, I’ve completely and utterly rejected your reasons. That would do nothing but cave in to Republican hypocrisy. 

Regarding point #4, a beer bar that I frequent is kinda new. Back when they were brand new, the wait staff didn’t know much about beer. A friend of mine ordered the Dogfish Head World Wide Stout (~18% ABV). They served him a full pint, and only charged him the tulip price (about ~8 or 9 USD, I think). 

How can you say it’s not the same situation? It’s a nomination during an election year. By McConnell’s own rules, the hearing shouldn’t happen until the new Senate is seated. 

What tricks would those be? The only thing I could think of is somehow getting some GOP Senators out of office, but ones that are somehow from a state that will appoint Dems to fill the position.

Can we start a GoFundMe for someone to follow these people around, and any time the words, “Deep State” are uttered, they get snapped with a wet towel?

Cause otherwise the media would paint this as the Democrats moving toward socialism. 

Good for you; nobody cares one iota about who you are.

No, you’re trying to backpedal, and claim you didn’t say what you said. Stop being a coward, and own up to what you did.

Seriously? Are you honestly arguing that “language” is more important than not being an asshole to people? That your use of words that are currently used as slurs (honestly, when was the last time you used faggot to refer to a bundle of sticks) is more important than not treating people with respect and dignity? If

And your “authentic moment” is worth more than getting their consent? That says a whole lot about you. 

There’s also no reason to be a complete douchebag.

“Part of it is on the corporate executives behind Star Wars.”

“Neither did this group or millions who disliked Last Jedi...”

Because he didn’t re-edit them to remove the women?

Nobody’s defending it from the valid criticisms any more than any other movie that has criticisms. But no one is taking the man-babies opinion seriously, either.