
This is additional proof that running your BMW with super low PSI (technically the lowest possible) doesn’t magically cause it to crash. 

Probably because they are logging trips completed, rather than trips attempted. If a passenger begins an Uber trip in a FCA product, which then, predictably, breaks down, hails an Uber Camry, which then takes them to their destination; the trip probably counts toward the Camry.

Glad I’m not the only one that vinwiki video didn’t sit well with. Even more glad the truth about this is coming out. Just because you think you’re important and have rich and influential friends doesn’t give you the right to put people’s lives at risk.

Ok, I was on the side of giving him the benefit of the doubt when I thought it was a local caution, but it was a freaking FULL COURSE caution. No excuse for that, none. 

Wait... a people-mover with a solid divider between driver and passengers?

Think: Hundreds of millions will die from climate change, and wars for resources and/or from mass-migrations are virtually guaranteed. So between that or livestock and some midwest livelihoods, it’s an easy choice.

Fuck you.


Cold tires and 1.5 psi off.  We all know why...

Talk about being underwater on a loan... 

All 372 of the 250 produced showed up to the 100th anniversary of the 911.  

I realize I’m a party of one here, but I’ve tweeted at Subaru of America that if they brought this to America, I’d buy it (probably the only acceptable use for Twitter: begging for station wagons). I’m fully prepared to put my money where my mouth is. Bring it here, and I’ll put a deposit in today.

Politically and Socially, yes. But I’m pretty sure the US was supplying equipment to Britian and others, and building up internal capacity as soon as WWII was declared.

Alternate method for setting fire to railroad tracks:


Colin McRae and Nicky Grist

I enjoyed this trailer, when does the movie come out?

It’s a catchy fucking song. I didn’t even hear it, but after reading this article it will be stuck in my head all fucking day. Fuck. Thanks.

It doesn’t help that the president wants to overheat the economy by wanting the fed to slash interest rates down despite the modest increases they’ve made to stop it from happening. Not to mention the already ludicrous tax cuts. When the recession comes, there aren’t going to be any levers to pull to get us out of it.

How about a little Iron Man

When you only give a fuck about your own little personal world, your perspective is entirely through Rose colored self centered smug glasses.