Sounds like the business could use an infusion of new cash. Just need to find the right donor.
Sounds like the business could use an infusion of new cash. Just need to find the right donor.
Top tier VC firms actually turned Theranos down because they didn’t think they had the science. The second tier VC firms desperate to get into the game invested without as much research. I don’t feel sorry for them
Their stock value is bleeding as we speak.
It’s certainly operating in the red.
so you’re saying that Holmes’s blood business isn’t liquid?
Comfort is Russian.
The league is obviously keeping him close and well-paid to buy his silence. If he goes rogue and starts telling the media he was pressured by the league to downplay concussions and falsify data, they would have more massive lawsuits on their hands
I use an AR-15 when hunting Coyotes and feral pigs. Due to the light weight and semi auto action allowing for quick follow up shots or shooting a multiple animals. And I own and carry pistols and fairly large folding blade knifes frequently.
No, I'm pretty sure if I were camping in an area where it would warrant such a thing, I'd be packing a pistol in the least.
You will make a killing when you sell your unused mattress on craigslist, just don't stab the guy that comes to buy it.
There is a difference between a tool which can kill someone but which has other purposes, and one which is good for nothing but killing people.