The most infuriating part of this whole rant, is that if those comments are disrespectful, they are only disrespectful b/c she is HIS WIFE. So, they have disrespected him, I guess. If she was just some random woman existing in the world, say all you want about fucking her or doing whatever else. It is not like she is…
You don’t get to say “keep my wife’s name out of your mouth” when your wife’s entire career is based around keeping her name in people’s mouths.
I get it. And to be clear, I’m not expecting anyone to feel hopeful or trust a system that has so frequently failed before, and is failing in so many respects in this case as well.
Also, she apparently got off work at 9pm; it would have only taken her a few minutes to get home-she didn’t show up at Jean’s door until 10pm-so she was somewhere else for almost an hour. Did she go home and think, I want to sleep and my neighbor’s music is too loud? The data from her key might show that she was…
I’m just gonna put this out there. Black man, cops living in his complex, and he’s got weed.
Forgive me if I don’t trust that anything good will come from this lock investigation and I feel that it’s more to justify her story about the door being ajar than to catch her in a lie.
Who gives a fuck about the locks?
While I certainly can’t rule out the idea that they are still working to get Guyger off entirely, I think that ship has sailed. What they are trying to determine now is if this was manslaughter or murder; if Guyger genuinely believed it was her apartment and there was an intruder, then it’s manslaughter. If it turns…
“Sir, you bring out your gun. What’s your purpose for that?” one of the students asks him
I’m no expert nor a mind reader, but I’m willing to bet if old Pistol Pete didn’t have his gun, he would have just left them alone and tipped upstairs to bang whichever student he’s having the affair with. Then again, I might be wrong. If they don’t have a gun, they pull the phone out and call the cops. Then the cops…
Good lord, white folks. Now you got randos policing elevators for buildings they neither work in or live in.
But sure, lemme hear about how black folks are “making” race an issue?
I imagine the only reason no one died is because there were three of them and only one of him. If he’d encounter just one of them he could have murdered them and cried about how terrified he was. If he’d tried to kill one of the three, the other two could have subdued him and lived to tell their side of the story.
I’m glad they didn’t take his bait. Although I would have just let that fool have the elevator and wait for it to come back.
Lock up all of these George Zimmermans.
“Elevator Don” is yet another person itching to kill black men and women using Florida’s Stand You Ground laws.
Okay, so the little video we’re seeing below is after he’d came back, I was trying to figure this out.
“And God said: man shall hath dominion over the earth and all elevators therein.”
At least no one died.
Just another “law-abiding gun owner” “fearing for his life.”