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I hope you like it when you get to it, amb! In fact, I’m pretty sure you will. It’s really something else. Pyre’s soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. I didn’t include two of my favorite tracks but if you don’t mind, I’d like to share with you!

Ennio Morricone, Bear McCreary, and Darren Korb are, in my opinion, the 3 greatest composers of all time.

Great read, thanks Narelle! I met Korb at the first annual (and only, I believe) NYC Video Game Critics’ Circle Awards several years ago, where he performed with Barrett, and which Nolan Cunnigham emceed. He was a super nice guy, and actually chatted with me for several minutes, mainly since he and I both grew up

...the Verrit account was mostly sending out random quotes from famous Americans with not-so-subtle headlines. One might assume the linked pages have some type of attached article or reporting...

Great piece Z! :D

Am I doing this right?

As far as I can tell, verrit isn’t just pro-Clinton, it is also quite explicitly anti-Sanders. A search on the site for “Bernie Sanders” turns up nothing, and a search for “Sanders” turns up only one image, which is negative.

At least it gave us this meme generator.

Now I know I’m not a constitutional lawyer and I was born at night, but I’ve seen Charlie Kelly talk about Law and Order and birdlaw and wasn’t born last night...so...


We call people like you a “mark.”

“Bernie would have won” is an instant block.
Useless and baseless conjecture. Betrays someone unfocused on the challenge ahead.

I don’t get it. What’s the point of those codes? How does the site differentiate between real quotes and fake ones?

That could only improve the situation.

Can I get a verification code for that? (Sorry, just want to be sure in these troubled times.)

When your #Resistance thing is too out there for Keith fucking Olbermann you’ve already failed.

Peter Daou is a goddamn Sith Lord of Bullshit. It’s his job, it’s his fucking vocation. The fact that he can somehow still get funding for yet another bullshit enterprise (how are things at Correct the Record or ShareBlue going these days?) says nothing good about anyone involved, especially the institutional donor

This is approaching Steve Bannon levels of self-fellation.