
From what I see, it looks like people who don’t read old English and aren’t familiar with English grammar, history and etymology are the ones who are okay with this.

Re: the connotation of status with ‘thou’ - it was actually a common practice to ‘thoust’ a peer if you wanted to insult them, from friendly ribbing to straight rudeness. You can actually get a good read of relationships in Shakespeare by who is thousting whom. Ben Franklin, btdubbs, was a gold-tier thouster. You can

And the two Death Star blasts used elements from nuclear explosions and natural disasters to evoke genuine horror.

me seeing the Magary Darnold similarity for the first time

Rogue One made some subtle leaps. The Scarif space battle was storyboarded in VR so the director could fly through the action and decide what angles told the story best. And the two Death Star blasts used elements from nuclear explosions and natural disasters to evoke genuine horror.

As a Jets fan, I’m often asked what team I hate the most. Is it the Patriots? The Dolphins? The Giants?

The Star Wars series are always pioneers of the SFX world.

I wonder how many wupiupis that is.

Putinism in America is dangerous. It’s been disastrous for marginalized people in Russia, and is beginning to destroy what’s left of America. To reject the New Russian ideology is not xenophobic, it’s actually pretty goddamned patriotic. The authoritarian regime that controls Russia (and the the territories they’ve

Oof. Looks ugly as hell. Obliterates any sense of atmosphere, ruins textures put under lighting they were never designed for, and totally destroys the sense of scale in many of these areas by washing it all out with this blinding white fog.

Damn! *stabs you with a star*

I live and work in Baltimore, and 2-3 years ago our work had an off site event. Basically it was a series of meetings, just catered and some different scenery. Anyhow, we were told we would have a guest speaker. It ended up being Ray Lewis.

Fun fact: “straight class” is what Mike Pence tried to add to Indiana’s education curriculum, in light of his own insecurities about his mastery of the subject.

But enough about our vice-president.

Ray: “You just need JESUS to deliver you more nails then!”
*shoots at you indiscriminately*

I don’t care what anyone says, he killed that speech. 

I don’t know if state censors would allow a movie about literally sucking Xi’s dick.

With the endorsement of Bernie Sanders last week, he’s reportedly shot up to second place from 12 to 27 percent, creeping up on Whitmer’s 33 percent and raising hopes of another upset victory.

My wife and I decided to make a mid day date of it and go see it today.  Frankly, it’s quite good.  That’s all I can say without spoiling it. Oh Bother.