
That second paragraph is so damning that I will never give this game a chance, regardless if some say it deserves it.

Also, Sam Rockwell as the guy who got beheaded at the end of the first season for shock value.

^Yep^ But judging from the comments this morning, that kind of self-awareness and introspection, and wistfulness for something you spent 10 years doing, is sailing over a lot of people's heads.

I think maybe his "But I'm 40..." comment meant that he thinks at his age he shouldn't be feeling jealous over someone else getting a role he gave up, not that he thinks he is too old to play Batman.

Repeat after me, Mr. Bale, and think of Batman:


Assume I did about ten stars for that.

To be fair, he actually reacted with less drama than the entire Internet did.

Unfortunately, the player learned to draw at the Liefeld Art Institute.

Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Let it go.

My opinion of this guy I've never heard of is sky high. It was a harmless prank, and since I assume the event was hold the court, he basically had to keep winning in an endless succession against a bunch of randoms with apparently a good number of frequent, good tourney players mixed in. If he lost even once and the

The writers and artists probably wrote in a canon ending where Korra and Asami get together and didn't run it by Nick since it's their last season. When Nick found out, they quickly pulled the show off the air and shoved it online. (This is what I truly believe until the finale proves me wrong)

I think they are saying that in universe people would have no reason to know that.

To be fair, you haven't mentioned a nice stream of thought he talked about often, that being theology. Some examples:

-"Whosoever has seen me has seen the Father... I and the Father are one."
-"I am the resurrection and the life."
-"Love the LORD your God with all you heart, all your mind, and all your strength."

I think it is you who haven't - "do unto others as you would like to be done unto oneself" "That he who never sinned throw the first stone" (while defending a prostitute, you know the painted Jezabels the Church hate so much" "Forgive us and those who offended us" "Love your neighbor as you love thyself" "When hit,

The New Testament: A rabbi from a small town thinks his religion has lost its way, and thus walk the country telling people that the world would be so much better if we made an effort and just got along. Then he is killed, and his followers proceed to do the exact opposite of what he said.

By no means are the Hobbit movies horrendous - their only sin is that they're underwhelming compared to the LotR movies. And they're too long for their own good. Other than that, they're fine films in their own right.

I was not prepared for the LOTR stuff or the behind the scenes shots.

I played the Destiny Beta. Admittedly I feel like I'm still playing a beta when I play it. The lack of content is extensive.

Whatever happened to doing public betas so these online games are aren't so full of glitches and bugs at release?