
That's a pretty big criticism about the movie series for someone who apparently hates it so much they go to see it on release night.

Ooohhh...Charlie Jane, can you pick that question up and make it a full post?

"Can a bad book be turned into a good movie?"

My feeling would be the early Harry Potters were better as movies, but I'd take some flack for that. I'd love to see what examples others come up with.

"turned it into one of the most potent, and complicated, political narratives of our time", I love you CJ, but I couldn't disagree more with that -more like nonsensical and bland (seriously, I'd like someone to explain me the absolute mess that was "Catching Fire"). Anyway, opinions! I respect that you liked it.

90% of this movie was either underground or involved Jennifer Lawrence crying

"Katniss Everdeen is one of the most fascinating heroes of our time"

I consider this to be the worst book in the series and a bad book overall. Which makes me ask the question, can a bad book be turned into a good movie?

"It's sort of The Dark Knight Rises of Hunger Games novels."

The center of a wheel is called a "hub". (Bike mechanic... sorry.)

Charlie Jane, you and I have gone 'round about the book, which I loathe, but my major question about this movie is whether or not the directors can manage to salvage what is good about the book and turn it into a good movie. I think one major problem, that Katniss is constantly unconscious when anything important is

Long may you reign.

This is a thing of beauty.

I can die a happy man now I've been mentioned in an io9 article!

Reviewer Report: Graded "excellent".

Future research is needed in Unsubscribe me from your fucking mailing list, now I'm crying, look you made me cry.

okay. Beautiful. Is Dominic in that class? Because, if so, my mind is totally blown. And what Dominic said is almost word for word what Finch said.

"She gets a very Reese moment when she realizes the Elvis lookalike behind her has an unloaded shotgun."

Favorite line of the night.

I went back to check if Dominic was an extra in that episode (he was not), but a nice callback to POI Season 2, Episode 11 - 2πR.

Dominic is making a reference to an episode in season 2 where Finch looked after a math genius by filling in as a sub. Finch gave the speech about the circle; Dominic was in that class. So. Awesome.